Period: 500 to
Medical History
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Sep 14, 1000
Barbers were also surgeons; practiced bloodletting
Sep 15, 1200
Muslims and Christians encouraged their followers to help those who are sick and in need
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 13, 1300
Jacoba Felice was accused pf perfoming medicine without a liscense and was prohibited to ever do so
Sep 14, 1347
Outbreak of the Bubonic Plague in Turkey
Sep 13, 1400
Medicals Books can be printed faster due to the the invention of the Printing Press
Sep 13, 1489
corpses are dissected by Leonardo da Vinci
Sep 13, 1500
Scientific Method was used in Europe
Blood cells are discovered by Anton van Leeuwenhoek
First appendectomy is perfomed by Claudius Aymad
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Edward Jenner discovered those exposed to cowpox didn't get smallpox
People were inoculated with cowpox fluid thus starting the practice of vaccination
Stethescope was invented
First human blood transfusion was successfully done
Having surgeons wash their hand and instruments before moving on to another patient was insisted
Period: to
Modern Times
Antibiotics were invented
First paper over medical ultrasonics was published by Doctor Karl Theodore Dussik
CAT-scans were invented by Robert S. Ledley
Intricate computerized equipment is used for surgeries
Outbreak of Ebola in West Africa
Rhazes discovered difference between smallpox and measles