Medical Investigation

By Ana12
  • Period: 200 to

    Medical History

  • 500

    Care Regulation Starts

    Regulations started in the Middle Ages. Physicians would study with experienced doctors and would recieve their license. Women were not allowed to practice medicine. Jacoba Felicie was tried for practicing medicine wihtout a license. She tried to defend herself by saying women were embarassed to go to male physicians for treatment, but the judge didn't play in her favor.
  • Period: 500 to Sep 9, 1500

    Middle Ages Began

  • Sep 9, 600

    Barber Surgeons

    Barber Surgeons
    The Barbers would serve in the military and treated wounds in battles. They would perform surgery to treat cataracts and practiced phlebotomy (bloodletting). Barber Surgeons would have a pole or symbol if you must say to let people know they are or were surgeons. They would put this pole outside of their shop or home.
  • Sep 11, 600

    Pole's for Barber's

    Pole's for Barber's
    They used this pole as a symbol to represetn them when they were or are surgeons. This pole was infront of the barber shop they owned.
  • Sep 11, 1300

    Religion and Medicine

    Religion played a big part in healthcare. Christians would say that the wealthy take care of the poor and the healthy take care of the sick. Many monesteries were found to treat the sick and needy specifically. Many women who were healers served at these monesteries and if this didn't work then they would go to praying and rest.
  • Period: Sep 9, 1400 to

    Renaissance Began

  • Sep 11, 1500

    Printing Press Discovered

    Printing Press Discovered
    The printing press made it easier to print and publish things faster. This way discoveries could to spread quickly. Since the printing press made it easier to spread discoveries so people could get better quicker in different country's.
  • Scientific Method

    In Europe the scientific method came into use. This changed the way people thoughht about medicine and research. This method was used to learn new knowledge.
  • Microscope

    The microscope made it easier to see the bacteria in peoples body. This allowed them to gain more accurate symptoms and the observations of patients. Then these doctors could explain a disease and could test their hypothesis or observations.
  • Robert Hooke

    He was the man of the great invention of the microscope. He did this for people or doctors to discover diseases or test hypothesis and/or observations.
  • Human Anatomy

    This occured during the age of enlightment. This investigations was forbidden by the church. The church htought it would be best forbidden to correct many beliefs. This stufy was in movement in the 1700s.
  • Period: to

    Industrail Revolution Started

  • Environment with Health

    Edward Jenner an English doctor disvovered that milkmaids exposed to cowpox didn't get smallpox. He discovered that people with the fluid from cowpox blisters, this is when vaccination began.
  • Machine

    These machines cuased an important to economic changes and also into the medical field. The stethescope was invented. Blood Cells, bacteria, and protozoa could now be seen. Doctors now knew that blood was carried by large blood vessels.
  • Capillaries

    These are the smallest of the body vessels. The calliparies are also part of the microcirculation of the body. They connect arterioles and venules. They only measure one cell thick (5 to 10 micrometre).
  • Period: to

    Moder World Today

  • Medical Asepsis

    This began the hand washing and cleaning equipment used to perform surgery. Joseph Lister was the man or person to insist on cleaning or using soap. Now a days they call it his practice. He was the one thinking of not spreading infection.
  • Pathogens

    This was the disease spreading or producing of microorganisms. This proved theat lister was right in his theory. His theory was that if you would clean equipment and wash your hands would help not spread disease. This was the beginning of bacteriology.
  • Antibiotics

    Antibiotics came into the picture. They changed the medicine dramatically. They were invented to kill or inhibit the gorwth of microorganisms. Selman Waksman was the first to use this term in his journals. He created the term to say it kills the microorganisms.
  • MRI

    MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.This is used to determine the disease and health. This is used to investigate anatomy and physoilogy in the body. These are used in hospitals to diagnosis, staging of disease, and for radiation.
  • Electronic Health Records

    This charts on computers are way more afficient than on paper. Many disovered this because on paper you could miss someting and on computers it would be so much easier to record things and save them. On paper the charts could get lost and thats when people could not know what they have or if the disease is deadly.
  • Electonic Communication(Phones)

    Electonic Communication(Phones)
    Many physicians, nurses, and/or doctors didn't need to be in the same room to talk about the patient or what the patient needed. This also benefits patients becasue now they didn't have to be in the same room, state, country, or continent to talk about the patients health.
  • HGP

    Human Genome Project or HGP. This has opened doors to people in different country's to improve health. This has also created new types of individualized drugs and treatment. This have preventive care and increasing life expectancy.
  • Rhazes Diagnostic Difference

    Rhazes discovered the difference betweeen Smallpox and Measles. He started to write about his discovery CE 900, but his discovery wasn't used until the 1800s. HIs developedment was based on the ideas of hyppocrites.