medical investigation 1

By jerzie
  • Period: 500 to

    history of medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500

    middle ages

  • Sep 9, 1000

    surgery is considered a profession

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 9, 1300

    islamic hospitals health care for the sick

  • Sep 9, 1300

    First dissection of human corpse.

    First dissection of human corpse.
  • Sep 9, 1347

    black death out break

    black death out break
  • Sep 9, 1400

    french woman is denined to practice medicine

  • Sep 9, 1400

    First recorded regualtions for midwives

  • Sep 9, 1523

    Gabriele Falloppio who described the female reproductive organs giving his name to the fallopian tube

  • Sep 9, 1543

    first anatomy book

    first anatomy book
  • Sep 9, 1574

    william harvey was the first person to describe the circulartory systemic

  • Period: to

    industrial revolution

  • Blood circulation first discovered.

  • bacteria is discovered

  • Cornellus Drebbel invented the first human powered submarine

    Cornellus Drebbel invented the first human powered submarine
  • Robert Hooke invented reflective microscope

  • Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague fleas

    Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague fleas
  • Period: to

    modern world

  • Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
  • first HMO insurance

  • managed health care growth in uninsured

  • AZT is used to combat with AIDS

  • Steve Thomas used sterile maggots to clean a wound

    Steve Thomas used sterile maggots to clean a wound
  • rhazes discovers the diffrence between small pox and measles

    rhazes discovers the diffrence between small pox and measles