Medical History

  • 500


    Barbers in the middle ages did a lot of things. They delivered babies, treated wounds, pulled teeth etc. The barbers did this much stuff because they were skilled from treating because f the war. There was so many wars going on that they found a way to treat people that were needing it. Even though the people never went in to see a doctor and went to many other people such as the priest, ladies who specialized in herbs, and of course barbers.
  • 500


    Dissection was frowned upon. During this time period it was "rare". If people did this then act they could of been killed because back then they thought people who were dead would have a next life to live and need those organs to survive their next lives. So they didn't want anyone to touch the dead persons dead organs.
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • Jan 1, 600


    This ointment was made for headaches, joint pain. The recipe is Take equal amounts of radish, bishop wort, garlic, wormwood, helenium, crop leek and hollow leek.
    Pound them up, and boil them in butter with celandine and red nettle.
    Keep the mixture in a brass pot until it is a dark red color.
    Strain it through a cloth and smear on the forehead or aching joints.
  • May 23, 1030


    This procedure was used for people who had an health issue with intracranial diseases, migraines, and mental disorders.This procedure is where they would break the skin using a sharpened seashell, next they would cut a hole into the skull. During this procedure you were awake, unless you were already dead. Soon when they finished the issue they would leave a hole in the skull and sew the persons skin back together.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    The black plague was one of the most devotions in the middle ages. So many people had died because the pope threw the dead bodies into the water and many people were drinking out of it and soon got it. So many people got it
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • Jan 1, 1305


    Eyeglasses was a major improvement. In the Middle ages the eyeglasses could of been made out of telescopes, binoculars, microscopes. But the eyeglasses were made out of two convex lenses and the lenses holders could be made out of bone or metal.
  • May 27, 1453


    They slowly but surely improved their knowledge about medicine suchas making new medicine.
  • Mar 27, 1473

    Girolamo Fracastoro

    Girolamo Fracastoro
    The first person to suggest that diseases come from pathogens. And said that pathogens could be started from outside our body and passed on from human to human.
  • Jun 4, 1510

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci dissected bodies and learned how things worked. He was able to write a 100 page book with descriptions and illustrations of the human body.
  • Jun 15, 1524

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Was the person to write "De Humaini Corporis Fabrica". This book became very important because it talked about the anatomy of the human body
  • Cowpox

    Cowpox isnt a deadly virus but causes fevers and sores. People get over cowpox fast though
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner was a scientist who experimented with cowpox for 7 years. He tried it on a kid. He wasn't cured right away but then the kid started building immunity to it and he never got it again.
  • First Stethoscope

    First Stethoscope
    The inventor was examining a female patient and was embarrassed to put his ear to her chest.
  • Ether

    Ether is a liquid that causes people to go unconscious. An inventor realized that ether could relieve some pain. It wasn't tested till a dentist tried it out and it worked.
  • The X-Ray

    The X-Ray
    The X-Ray was first invented when he saw the rays were emitter in the current of discharge tube
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Penicillin

    Penicillin is a huge medication in the medicines field. A lot of doctors prescribe penicillin when someone is sick.
  • First Organ Transplant

    First Organ Transplant
    The first Organ Transplant was for a kidney. This was the first time that the organ actually survived.
  • Stem Therapy

    Stem Therapy is to treat or prevent disease or condition.
  • Joseph Murraphy

    Joseph Murraphy
    First person to perform a transplant from an unrelated person with immunosuppressant drugs.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • 3D printed body parts

    This was an amazing thing that happened because so many people have got new limbs when they lost their leg during war or something else.
  • Bionic Eyes

    Bionic Eyes
    The bionic eyes helped many people who lost their eyes. And makes people see the world differently.
  • Anti smoking law

    This law helps reduce smoking. Helps with the harmful cancer cells.
  • Heart Disease

    Heart Disease
    The heart disease rates have dropped 40%. This is because more people are concerned about their health. So they start to work out and eat right.
  • Alvin Toffler

    He is discovering new disease by this wave genetic. He is going to test how to get rid of them and how to prevent them.