Medical History

By evae27
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • Jan 1, 600

    Cataract Surgery

    Cataract surgery in the Middle Ages was very painful. They used a process called "needling". With no anesthetics they simply inserted a needle into your eyeball.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Anglo-Saxon Medical Remedies

    A page in Bald's Leechbook used a mixture of garlic, wine and oxgall for an eye salve (ointment). This remedy has actually been proven effective!
  • Jan 1, 850

    Cure for Migraines and Headaches...

    Cure for Migraines and Headaches...
    In the Middle Ages a surgeon could've cut a hole in your head...not just your hair. They used this method for a cure to epilepsy, migraines, and other mental disorders.
  • Jan 1, 900

    Dr. Rhazes Discovery

    Dr. Rhazes Discovery
    Dr. Rhazes discovered the difference between smallpox and measles. his works were used until the 1800's.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Medicine vs. Religion

    Christian and Muslims religious instructions were based off of the Qur'an. It taught their followers social responsibilities like the rich providing for the poor, and the healthy caring for the sick. These principles led to the founding of many Islamic hospitals.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • Jan 1, 1430

    Small Pox Vaccine

    If you recovered from smallpox you were thought to be immune to the disease. Jenner decided to use pus from Cowpox blisters on the smallpox. Cowpox is almost just like smallpox but a milder version. People didn't believe her but Jenner's experiments worked!
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Girolamo Fracastoro

    Girolamo Fracastoro
    Girolama suggested the idea that different kinds of diseases can be passed by people from direct and/or indirect contact.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Black Death's Reappearance

    Black death (deadly disease) made a reappearance in the Renaissance time period. The island of Hispaniola went from a population of 60,000 to less than 600 people.
  • Jan 1, 1514

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Andreas wrote one of the most influential books on human anatomy. "De Humani Corpus Fabrica" ("On the Structure of the Human Body")
  • The Kings Evil

    Doctors still did not quite know how to cure the deadly diseases completely. At one point people started asking King Charles II to touch infected people in order to cure them!
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • The First Stethoscope

    The First Stethoscope
    The stethoscope was invented by a french man who was nervous to put his ear up to a girls chest. One day he saw some kids playing and listening to each other through the door...that's when he got his brilliant idea!
  • Colera

    Colera was like black death. It caused many people to die in short amounts of time. Soon Louis Pasteure's germ theory identified the Colera germ which would change the century!
  • Public Health Act

    It took a lot of people for a change to happen. In 1872 the government finally decided to help out starting with things like sewage, water, disposal sites and public works. Now everyone had a job and role in helping out their environment for better health of all the people.
  • Wilhelm Conrad

    Wilhelm Conrad
    Wilhelm had a major in physics, he was the first person to discover the x-ray!
  • Anesthetics

    Willow's tree bark was used to talk pain away for a long time. after a while 2 men got together and used their skills and knowledge to come up with the pain reliever we know called "Aspirin".
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Human Genome Project

    This project is about connecting genes to people and how they are formed. From the data collected in this project it is hoped that new treatments for disease will be developed and made available.
  • Gamow Inflatable Bag Treatment

    Gamow Inflatable Bag Treatment
    Gamow invented a pressurized chamber to help elite athletes train with the attributes of high altitudes.
  • The Smart Pill

    This "smart" pill had a camera on it and was used in gastrointestinal diagnostic procedures.
  • Radio Surgery

    Radio Surgery in this time was used for epilepsy and malignant tumors.
  • The Pill For Guys

    The Pill For Guys
    A pill for guys was invented. It's called was used to help them out with the ladies.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Dr. Axel Ullrich and Dr. H. Michael Shepard

    These 2 scientists were some of the people who invented Herceptin . Herceptin is a drug that targets breast cancer!
  • Anti-Smoking Laws

    In 2003 laws were passed to reduce public smoking. Smoking was banned in many public restaurants to lower the number of people affected by second hand smoke.
  • Technology Boom

    Technology Boom
    Technology is still becoming more advanced day by day. In the early 2000's though, people were able to use technology with things like signing into a hospital for visitors or even by the doctors to help them with rounds and medications.!
  • Stem Cells

    Doctor began to induce potential stem cells and also cloned human stem cells.
  • Face Transplant

    In 2015 there was the 28th face transplant (2nd in the US). This isn't like plastic surgery, its a complete face change!