Jan 1, 1000
First school of medicine established
Jan 1, 1200
First strict measures for control of public hygiene instituted
Jan 1, 1300
Fist dissection of human corpse
Jan 1, 1400
First recorded regulations for mid-wives
Period: Jan 1, 1490 to Jan 1, 1505
Leonardo da Vinci used dissection to draw the human body
Invention of the mircoscope
Blood Circulation first described
First law requiring licensed medical practitioners
Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for smallpox
First practical anesthetic introduced
Elizabeth Blackwell first women to qualify as a doctor
Louis Pasteur began pasteurizing milk to kill bacteria
Invention of the stethoscope
Period: to
Civil War
Germ Theory introduced
Clara Barton founded the Red Cross
Rabies vaccine discovered
William Roentgen discovered X-Rays in 1895
Marie Curie isolated radium in 1910
Period: to
World War 1
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
Period: to
World War 2
Jonas Salk develops Polio vaccine in 1952
First bith control pill introduced
Christan Barnard performs first open heart suergy
Wilhem Roentgen discovered X-rays
Louise Brown Born
Aids is identifed