Jan 1, 1000
First school of medicine established in Slerno, Italy
Jan 1, 1200
First strict measures for control of public hygiene instituted
Jan 1, 1300
First dissection of human corpse
Jan 1, 1400
First recorded regulations for mid-wives
Jan 1, 1489
Leonardo da Vinci dissects corpses
Jan 1, 1500
First scientific study of human anatomy published
Blood circulation first described, Bacteria discovered
Sir Christopher Wren experiments with canine blood transfusions
Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells
First law requiring licensed medial practitioners
- Obstetircs established as a separate branch of medicine
Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy
Vaccination against smallpox developed
First practical anesthetic, ether, introduced
Civil War
US declares independance from Great Britian -
Germ theory introduced
Founded the American Red Cross
Rabies vaccine discovered
Major blood types (O,A,B and AB) identified
Period: to
First antibiotic drug, penicillin, discovered
Period: to
First successful polio vaccine
Birth control pill introduced
First successful heart transplant
First test-tube baby
AIDS first recognized by the Centers for Diease Control and Prevetntion
Scientists clone sheep
First vaccine to target a cause of cancer