Jan 1, 1400
-1650 Renaissance/rebirth of science
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
History of Medicine
Jan 1, 1450
Printing Press
Jan 1, 1510
Leonardo da Vinci dissects human being
Discovery of the circulation of blood
Invention of microscope
Bifocals Invented
Ben Franklin -
America Discoverd
Small Pox Vaccine
invented me Edward Jenner -
Invention of the stethoscope
First Woman Doctor
Elizabeth Blackwell -
School of Nursing
Started by Florence Nightingale -
Civil War
First use of antiseptic
used by Joseph Lister -
Red Cross Founded
Founded by Clara Barton -
Rabies Vaccine
invented by Louis Pasteur -
Cancer discovered
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen -
Isolated Radium
Marie Curie -
Polio Vaccine
devoloped by Jonas Salk -
First Heart Transplant
Christian Barnard -
Dolly the sheep is clone
Oral Polio treatment