Jan 1, 1250
First magnifying glass
Created by Robert Bacon -
Microscope Invented
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope. -
First Blood Transfusion
Jean Baptiste Denis performed the first blood transfusion using animal blood. -
Bifocals Invented
Invented by Ben Franklin, they were used to see better. -
Vaccine for Small Pox Developed
Edward Jenner developed small pox vaccine in 1796 -
Stethescope Invented
THe stethescope was invented by Rene Laennac -
First successful blood transfusion
Richard Lower performed first sucessful bloodtransfusion on a dog -
Anesthesia first used
Used diethyl to put the patient to sleep and charged $2 for it -
First brainwave transmitted
Using a galvanometer, Richard Caton noted electrical impulses from the brains of animals. -
American Red Cross Founded
The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton -
First sucessful heart surgery
Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful open-heart surgery -
X-Rays Discovered
Romans discovered X-Rays in 1895 -
First electrocardiogram
Dr. Willem Einthoven invented the first one and it weighted 600 pounds and needed 5 people to operate it. -
Penicillin discovery
Sir Alexander Fleming disovered penicillin in 1982 -
First lobotomy
António Egas Moniz performed the first lobotomy -
First pacemaker
Dr. Albert S. Hyman demonstrated a heart pacemaker. -
Electroconvulsive Therapy used
Dr. Ugo Cerletti used this to help people with mental illnesses -
Dialysis first used
Willem J. Kolff built the first dialysis machine -
First Disposable Catheter
David S. Sheridan invented it -
First successful Cardiac Defibrillation
Claude Beck, successfully defibrillated the heart of a 14-year-old boy -
FIrst inplant of a Intraocular Lens
Dr. Harold Ridley implanted the first permanently placed intraocular lens to correct cataract -
Polo Vaccine Developed
Jonas Salk developed the polo vaccine in 1952 -
Chlorpromazine invented
Pierre Deniker created this drug for patienets with schizophrenia -
First successful kidney transplant
The Herrick twin brothers performed the first successful kindney transplant -
First successful liver transplant
Performed by a medical team led by Dr. Thomas Starzl