Artificial Insemination
The first case of human artificial insemination happened in London. This greatly increased the amount of experiments being done on whta was thought to be ridiculous ideas. -
The first use of the compox vaccine was used to prevent smallpox. It was developed by Edward Jenner and was able to save many lives because of it. -
Rabies Vaccine
The first rabies vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur. It was able to help again wild animals and protected the people. -
Hugienic Laboratory
The National Institutes of Health were founded. Back then they were called the Hugienic Laboratory and they helped discover many important things. -
Frederick Banting discovered insulin and ended up recieving the Nobel Prize in 1923. Insulin helped develop cures for many diseases. -
Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg Code was created and it stated the ethical standards for conduct of research involving humans. They didn't want humans being killed for science. -
Frog Clones
The first clones of frogs were made from the cells of older tadpoles. Helped establish the basics of cloning. -
Dna Structure
The structure of Dna was deciiphered by the famous scientists James Watson and Francis Crick. They later received the Nobel Prize for it in 1962. -
Kidney Transplant
The first kidney transplant was done in Boston, Massachusetts. It was dangerous, but helped scientists understand the body better. -
Polio Vaccine
The first polio vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk. It helped to prevent polio from the numerous people it was infecting. -
Liver Transplant
The first liver tranplant was done in Denver, Colorado. This also helped the scientists learn more about organ compatability. -
Heart Transplant
The first heart transplant was done in South Africa. This was big because the heart is the main organ in your body and being able to do this was astonishing. -
A Norwegian scientist discovers cyclosporine and it helps decrease organ rejection and protects patients against infection. -
Test -Tube Baby
The first test-tube baby was born on account of invitro fertilization. This event took place in England. -
Artificial Heart
The first artificial heart was used on a boy named Jarvik and it was a major bridge to organ tranplantation in the future. -
Transgenic Livestock
The first transgenic livestock was created by the pigs producing a human growth hormone. Allowed scientists to see they can give animals others traits. -
Gene Therapy
This was the first federally approved gene therapy protocol and it put laws on the use of gene therapy on humans. -
Cloned Embryos
The first human embryos were cloned, leading to many new discoveries in that field. And the thought of cloning humans was brought up extensively. -
Mammal Cloned
Ian Wilmut was able to clone the first mammal ever and its name was Dolly the sheep. He did this in Scotland. -
No Cloning
A group of twenty nine European countries signed a protocol that banned the cloning of human beings.