Medical Events

  • Oct 8, 1249


    Roger Bacon
  • Oct 8, 1489

    dissects corpses

    dissects corpses
    Leonardo da Vinci
  • microscope

    Zacharius Jannssen
  • experiments with canine blood transfusions

    experiments with canine blood transfusions
    Sir Christopher Wren
  • discovers blood cells

    discovers blood cells
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
  • Founded the American Red Cross

    Founded the American Red Cross
    Clara Barton
  • Discovered X-Rays in 1895

    Discovered X-Rays in 1895
    William Roentgen
  • Isolated radium in 1910

    Isolated radium in 1910
    Marie Curie
  • Didscovered penicillin in 1928

    Didscovered penicillin in 1928
    Sir Alexander Fleming
  • Electron Microscope is invented

    Electron Microscope is invented
    Co-invented by Germans, Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska.
  • Insulin Shock Theropy

    Insulin Shock Theropy
    Manfred Sakel
  • Penicillin is used in medicine

    Penicillin is used in medicine
    Alexander Fleming
  • Developed the Polio vaccine in 1952

    Developed the Polio vaccine in 1952
    Edward Jenner
  • Cloning

    Robert Briggs & Thomas King
  • patented a leukemia-fighting drug

    patented a leukemia-fighting drug
    Gertrude Elion
  • First Artificial Heart

    First Artificial Heart
    Paul Winchell
  • invented the balloon embolectomy catheter

    invented the balloon embolectomy catheter
    Thomas Fogarty
  • performs the first human heart transplant

    performs the first human heart transplant
    Dr. Christiaan Barnard
  • CAT-Scans

    Robert S. Ledley
  • Developed a vaccine for smallpox in 1976

    Developed a vaccine for smallpox in 1976
    Edward Jenner
  • Surgical Robot

    Dr Yik San Kwoh
  • DNA Fingerprinting

    DNA Fingerprinting
    Alec Jeffreys
  • invented the artificial kidney dialysis machine

    invented the artificial kidney dialysis machine
    Willem J. Kolff
  • Artificial Liver

    Artificial Liver
    Kenneth Matsumura
  • First partial face transplant

    First partial face transplant
    Jean-Michel Dubernard