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Media Regulations

  • Federal Radio Commission

    Government agency that regulated U.S. radio communication.
  • Equal Time Rule

    Radio and TV stations must provide equal opportunity to any opposing political candidates.
  • Federal Communications Commission

    An agency of government that regulates communication through radio, TV, satellite, and cable.
  • Dual Television Network Rule

    Prohibited major networks from buying another major network.
  • Fairness Doctrine

    Policy that required broadcast license holders to present controversial media in an honest and balanced way.
  • Local TV Multiple Ownership Rule

    Prohibited broadcasters from owning more than one TV station in the same market.
  • Broadcast Cross-Ownership Prohibition

    Banned ownership of both newspaper and a TV station in the same market.
  • Telecommunications Act

    Created fair rules in local and long distance cable programming.
  • Reporter's Privilege

    Detailed examination of a reporter's privileges and rights.
  • Termination of Net Neutrality

    Net Neutrality set rules that ensured wired and mobile broadband providers treat all data transmissions.