Media history

  • 59 BCE

    First newspaper

    The first newspaper we are aware of was created by the Roman’s in 59 BCE supposedly called “ Acta Diurna, or daily doings” no company has ever survived however we are told their was “ chronicles of events, assemblies, births, deaths, and daily gossip.”
  • 1440

    The first printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg’s Created the first printing press. All of a sudden there would be 4,000 copies of anything being made a day. Now that means the price of paper goes down and all people have access to newspapers and daily news.
  • 1566

    Italy news.

    In Italy in the later 1500s their was an article called “ avisi, or gazettes” however they didn’t get very wide spreed considering the difficulty to print copies.
  • Europe joining in

    “England printed its first paper under the title Corante, or weekely newes from Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, France and the Low Countreys. By 1641, a newspaper was printed in almost every country in Europe as publication spread to France, Italy, and Spain.” All quotes from the Mississippi university
  • Media starts controversy

    “a weekly paper titled The Heads of Severall Proceedings in This Present Parliament began focusing on domestic news” now that people are posting ideas of their own instead of just facts and events others will start realizing they have opinions they want to share as well
  • James Gordon Bennett’s New York Morning Herald

    James was a very aggressive writer and people really liked that about him he was a political man as well which obviously brought controversy
  • Radio

    “ Radio news made its appearance in the 1920s. The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) began running sponsored news programs and radio dramas.” when radios came out this became a very big part of families they would gather by the radio and listen to president speaks or many other things.
  • Tv

    Around the early 50s and 60s tv started becoming a thing and not only that tv ads started popping up creating loads of propaganda
  • iPhone.

    The first iPhone came out 2007 and this really changed just about everything for phones they were pocketable and you could take pictures and download apps and this really just changed everything.
  • A.I.

    No one knows what the future holds and A.I. is seemingly going to be the next biggest thing.