Media and Information Literacy

By euwert
  • Letters

    This is the very first media that I used to communicate with my father being overseas. And receive news regarding my relatives.
  • Radios

    We used this in order to receive news faster and to know what is happening in the world.
  • Telephones

    The second media that I am able to use are telephones. It might not be that good but I guess it did a lot to make our communication clearer.
  • Television

    This made news easier to understand and gave us some entertainment.
  • Old Generation Cellphones

    Old Generation Cellphones
    This media greatly affected our communication because not just it made our conversations clearer but it also gave me the ability to contact a person anytime I want.
  • Personal Computers and Internet

    Personal Computers and Internet
    Receiving news and communication have been made easier thanks to the Computers and Internet.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Now everything have been made easier due to the creation of social media and the easier access of internet.
  • New Generation Cellphones

    New Generation Cellphones
    Now the cellphones can access different kinds of things for example cellphones nowadays can access the internet, can be a radio, can be a television etc.