Medhistory Timeline

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • Jan 1, 910

    Medical Regulation

    There started to be regulations on who could be a doctor. They had to read books and learn from more experienced doctors.
  • Jan 1, 1163


    In the Middle Ages, barbers both cut hair and performed minor surgeries and bloodletting on people.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    The Qur'an demands that sick people be taken care of, so Muslim people made hospitals everywhere to help the sick and needy people. Christians also made monestaries to help the sick.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to

    The Renaissance

  • Jan 1, 1348

    The Bubonic Plauge

    The Bubonic Plauge
    A plauge that killed millions of people in Europe. Common symptoms were boils, fever, vomiting, sleeplessness.
  • Jan 1, 1349

    Plauge Doctor

    These doctors went around and tried to give treatment to the patients infected with the plauge. They learned good hygine and how to design a better contamination suit.
  • Jan 1, 1492


    The crusaders learned about other medical knowledge and brought it back to their homeland.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Medical knowledge could be more widely spread and inform more people
  • Microscope

    Doctors could see patients and diseases more effectively
  • The Scientific Method

    People started to use a more effective way of finding things out, not just guesswork. This helped people understand more about the things aroud them.
  • Robert Hooke

    He built the first reflecting microscope
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

  • vaccination

    people could become immune to diseases through the process of vaccination
  • Edward Jenner

    He created the smallpox vaccine
  • Stethescope

    doctors could listen to peoples heartbeat.
  • Medical Asepsis

    Tips for reducing and preventing the spread of germs by medical equipment(basicaly just cleaning tools)
  • Robert Koch

    Discovered that pathogens are the source of some diseases.
  • Radium

    Marie Curie discovered radium, which helps treat cancer patients.
  • Period: to

    The Modern World

  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    Helped develop portable x-ray
  • Antibiotics

    This helped people to heal from sickness more quickly.
  • Organ Transplant

    Organs can be replaced if they become damaged
  • MRI

    doctors can diagnose and treat illness more easily.
  • Period: to

    The 21st Century

  • Diagnostic Screening

    It helps people realize they are sick or could become sick before it gets too bad
  • Electronic Health Records

    Electronic Health Records
    medical professionals can access information about a patient easier.
  • Stem Cells

    cells that can become any other type of cell in the human body
  • Michelle Obama

    Michelle Obama
    She helped to raise awareness about nutrition and changed school lunch programs across the country.
  • Ebola Vaccine

    people could build antibodies against ebola and reduce chance of sickness.