
By lokchok
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
  • 500

    Buddhism comes to Japan

    Buddhism comes to Japan
  • 570

    Muhammed is Born

  • Nov 11, 632

    Death of Muhammed

  • Nov 11, 1001

    Leif Ericsson settles in present day Canada

  • Nov 11, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

  • Nov 11, 1099

    First Crusade

  • Nov 11, 1117

    Oxford University Founded

  • Nov 11, 1118

    First Shogun in Japan

    First Shogun in Japan
  • Nov 11, 1146

    Second Crusade

  • Nov 11, 1189

    Third Crusade

  • Nov 11, 1193

    The first Shogun

  • Nov 11, 1202

    Fourth Crusade

  • Nov 11, 1215

    Magna Carta Sealed

    Magna Carta Sealed
  • Nov 11, 1227

    Genghis Khan Dies

    Genghis Khan Dies
  • Nov 11, 1299

    Ottoman Empire Founded

  • Nov 11, 1337

    Hundred Year War Begins

    Hundred Year War Begins
  • Nov 11, 1349

    Black Death Begins

  • Nov 11, 1400

    Estimation of invention of Gutenberg's Printing Press

  • Nov 11, 1453

    Hundred Year War Ends

  • Nov 11, 1460

    Renaissance Period Begins

  • Nov 11, 1467

    Japanese Civil War

    Japanese Civil War
  • Nov 11, 1492

    Christopher Columbus finds New World

  • Nov 11, 1502

    First Reported Black Slaves in New World

  • Nov 11, 1531

    Church of England Breaks Away

  • Spanish and English Armadas

  • Japanese Break Ties with All Foreigners

  • Harvard University Founded

  • Mount Fuji Erupts in Japan

  • James Cook claims NSW for England

  • America revolts and claims war on England

    America revolts and claims war on England
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

  • World Population Equals 1 Billion

  • Industrial Revolution

  • Heian Period in Japan

    Heian Period in Japan
  • Fujiwara period in Japan

  • Viking Great Army arrives in England

  • Alfred the Great first King of United England

  • End of Three Kingdoms Period in Korea

  • Bulgarian Empire

  • North South States Period in Korea Begins

  • Viking Attacks on Britain Begin

    Viking Attacks on Britain Begin
  • Death of Alfred the Great

  • Tang Dynasty Ends in China

  • Otto the Great Crowned Royal Roman Empire

  • Peace and Truce of God Formed