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Media coverage of Flight MH370

  • Facebook Coverage

    Facebook Coverage
    Malaysianairline Post News value
    Shock value as it is unusual and shocking for a flight to go missing
    Mystery and intrigue- we want to know what has happened to this flight
    Debate and discussion in the comments about the event and the way that Malaysian airlines has covered the event.
    Forming Public Opinion- Who do they blame?
    It does not go into a l
  • Camera captures missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 pilots clearing airport security

    Camera captures missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 pilots clearing airport security
    hvjh0.html' >camera-captures-missing-malaysia-airlines-mh370-pilots-clearing-airport-security</a>
    News Values
    This links to Visual Impact because it shows the last photographs of the missing pilots.
    It also links to mystery as we do not know if they caused the flight to disappear and so fuels the readers intrigue.
    Pathos for the pilots family
    Debate a
  • Online News Paper

    Online News Paper
    The Herald This shows the implication of the coverage - it links to stereotyping and representation, it also shows that citizen journalism needs to be taken more carefully.
    It also shows the depth and duration that has been gone into with the coverage.