med invest

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 1134

    Ways they fixed people

    A common form of medical practice was leeching, cupping, bleeding.
  • 1150


    He is known as the father of medicine
  • Feb 23, 1157

    Healing Potions

    Healing Potions
    People had a problem they might have went to the local witch or apothecary.
  • 1189


    They used urine inspections, they thought it helped them figure out what was wrong with people.
  • 1200

    medical practice

    Medical practice in the middle ages was rooted in Greek tradition. They first began to look into the anatomy of the body.
  • 1289

    Montpellier school

    Montpellier school
    This medical school was founded in the tenth centenary.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1350

    Life in the remaissance

    The average life expectancy in 1350 was 30-35 and ever 1 in 5 kids died.
  • 1400

    New times

    New times
    The renaissance ushered in a new era of medicine that had not been seen before.
  • 1500

    The middle east

    Scholars from Islam had made many improvements in medicine as well as injury treatment. this also helped usher in a new age for the renaissance period.
  • 1553

    Girolamo Fracastoro

    He was the first doctor to suggest that disease and sickness was caused by pathogens.
  • 1564

    Andrea Vesulais

    Human anatomy was first studied by a man named Andrea Vesulias
  • Obstetrical forceps

    Obstetrical forceps
    The purpose of this new invention was to help free a baby from a mothers womb without hurting anyone in the process.
  • Midwives

    Midwives were a very common thing during this period. they helped people in many ways, they provided care for local family. There was even a book published about there practices in 1671
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Scurvy

    Edward Jenner discovered a cure to scurvy, swollen bleeding gums as well as well as the opening to old wounds.
  • Stethoscope

    The first stethoscope was invented by a young physician named Rene.
  • Water supplies

    During this time period someone found out that poor water is what was making everyone sick. Especially in close quarter areas.
  • X-ray

    Wilhelm Conrad was that first person to discover the x-ray.
  • Smallpox

    There was an experiment done that helped them find a vaccination that would help.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Esther Love joy

    She was the first women to become a health officer in a major city.
  • How were diagnosis made?

    They were primarily built on the symptoms the ill had.
  • Surgery

    Most surgerys were carried out in private homes instead of hospitals
  • Bacteria

    Big advances were made during this time, for bacteria as far as chemistry and laboratory techniques we used to find things out.
  • Dental Hygene

    Dental Hygene
    The idea of dental hygene was was introduced during this time period.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Genes

    In the early 2000 the Human Genome draft was completed
  • Robots

    In 2001 they built a robotic machine that can do surgery's inside the body instead of having to open someone up. (the telesurgery)
  • Carlo Urbani

    A virus that was killing healthy people and very fast. but this man alerted people to it early giving the earliest epidemic response in history.
  • Kidney

    The first kidney was grown in vitro in the usa.
  • Improvemnt

    Overall the field of medicine is more advanced then ever. Which will continue as time goes on.