Med I Block 5

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 28, 900


    Discovered difference between measles and small pox.
  • Sep 28, 1000


    Surgery was considered a perfession
  • Sep 28, 1249

    Discovers Glasses

    Discovers Glasses
    Roger Bacon discovered glasses
  • Sep 28, 1299

    Black Death

    The Black Death began
  • Sep 28, 1299

    Islamic Hospitals

    health care for the sick
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 28, 1300

    Human Corpse

    First dissection of the human body
  • Sep 28, 1301

    microscopes were invented

    microscopes were invented
    microscopes were invented for seeing small things
  • Sep 28, 1434


    Was a Muslim doctor
  • Sep 28, 1500

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Discovered the human anatonmy
  • William Harvey

    Described circulation of blood pumping to the heart
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • James Lind

    Discovers that fruits with citrus prevent scurvy
  • Stethoscope

    A stethoscope was invented to listen to the inside of a humans, or animals body.
  • Anthrax

    First vaccine for anthrax was made
  • Rabies

    First vaccination for rabies was created
  • Plague

    First vaccine for the plague was created
  • Period: to

    Modern world

  • Polio

    Polio epidemics broke out in NY
  • cancer

    Cancer bacomes one of the top 3 causes for death
  • Pfizer

    Pfizer announces discovery of antibiotic Terramycin.
  • First open heart sugery

    First open heart sugery
    Surgeons perform first successful open heart surgery using heart-lung machine
  • Parke-Davis

    Parke-Davis announces discovery of antibiotic Chloromycetin.