Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299
Middle Ages
May 13, 900
Discovered difference between small pox and measles
Picture of Rhazes. -
Sep 2, 930
Blood letting
Used astrolgoical signs to decide if the patient would have bled out or not. -
Sep 2, 935
Determined diagnoses by astrological sighs. Also treated according to astrology as well. -
Sep 2, 945
Still crude, Based on potions, herbs, or more drastic cures. -
Sep 2, 1000
Medical care
Medical care becomes regulated -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Aug 31, 1300
Islamic Hospitals
Health care for the sick -
Sep 2, 1350
Christian monasteries
Christian monasteries created to treat ill.
Picture of christian monastery -
Aug 31, 1400
Jacoba Felicie
Denied the right to practice medicine when she tried -
Scientific method
Use of scientific method begins. -
Printing press
Printing press allows for publications of discoveries. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
James Lind
discovers that citrus fruit prevents scurvy. -
Small pox
Treated by being exposed to cow pox. -
Rene Laennec
invented the stethoscope -
Blood transfusion
First successful blood transfusion. -
Nitro-us Oxide was used as a anesthetic in dentistry -
Period: to
Modern world
Insulin first used to treat diabetes -
First tetanus vaccine -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Discovers Penicillin -
Human cells
Discover how to use human cells to create embryonic stem cells -
pelvic Cancer and pelvic injuries.
First-time experimental surgery made it to where they have a availability for treatment of pelvic cancers/ injuries. Thomas manning is the first to receive a penis implant and so far its going well :) (Manning picture attached)