Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299
Middle Ages
Sep 8, 754
the first pharmacy
The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad in the year 754. As one medieval Arabic physician said these were places for “the art of knowing the materia medica simples in their various species, types and shapes. -
Sep 8, 754
first Pharmacies
The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad in the year 754. As one medieval Arabic physician said these were places for “the art of knowing the materia medica simples in their various species, types and shapes. -
Sep 6, 900
Discovered the different between measles and small pox -
Sep 8, 910
small pox
The discovery and distinction of the small pox virus is very important in history because that was a very dangerous illness in the Middle ages. Being able to know what it is helps the diagnosis and prognosis of such illness. This also leads to a cure for this illness. -
Sep 8, 910
The discovery and distinction of the small pox virus is very important in history because that was a very dangerous illness in the Middle ages. Being able to know what it is helps the diagnosis and prognosis of such illness. This also leads to a cure for this illness. -
Sep 8, 1000
Surgery is considered a profession
This is important because now people who perform surgeries can now be paid and specialized in their craft. When something is considered a profession that means there are professionals which are experts in their craft. This allows for further healing and understanding of the body through the craft of surgery. -
Sep 8, 1000
Surgery is considered a profession
This is important because now people who perform surgeries can now be paid and specialized in their craft. When something is considered a profession that means there are professionals which are experts in their craft. This allows for further healing and understanding of the body through the craft of surgery. -
Sep 8, 1167
Oxford a school among others offered an education in medicine. This helped expand the knowlege of the body around the world. People could also go to schools such as Universities of Paris, Bologna, Montpelier and others all established in the middle ages. -
Sep 8, 1167
Oxford a school among others offered an education in medicine. This helped expand the knowlege of the body around the world. People could also go to schools such as Universities of Paris, Bologna, Montpelier and others all established in the middle ages. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 12, 1400
Medical research
Medicine remained dominated by the teachings of the church but physicians began to learn more about the human body. They read books translated from Arabic medical texts and began to study anatomy in a scientific and systematic way. -
Sep 12, 1423
Renaissance Hospitals
The other main change in European healthcare was the establishment of hospitals, although these were often the preserve of the wealthy. Surgical procedures improved and survival from even simple procedures increased, and the City State of Venice, as early as 1423, made the island of Santa Maria Di Nazaret into a hospital for isolating contagious patients from the rest of the population. -
Sep 12, 1495
Renaissance Medicine - New Diseases and New Cures
Alongside this improved understanding of how the body worked, physicians developed better cures, built upon observation rather than archaic theory. Adding to the herbs and cures often used by the Islamic physicians, explores to the New World and Asia brought back other cures, such as Quinine, from the bark of the Quina tree, a preparation still used in the treatment of malaria and its symptoms. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Medical research
Medicine remained dominated by the teachings of the church but physicians began to learn more about the human body. They read books translated from Arabic medical texts and began to study anatomy in a scientific and systematic way. -
James Lind
James Lind , a Scottish naval surgeon, discovers that citrus fruits prevent scurvy. -
Blood cells,bacteria,protozoa,stuthoscope -
Blood cells,bacteria,protozoa,stuthoscope -
Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner develops a method to protect people from smallpox by exposing them to the cowpox virus. -
Sir Humphry Davy
Sir Humphry Davy announces the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide, although dentists do not begin using the gas as an anesthetic for almost 45 years. -
transfusion human blood
British obstetrician James Blundell performs the first successful transfusion of human blood. -
Robert Koch
Discovery of pathogens -
Robert Koch
Discovery of pathogens -
Felix Hoffman
Felix Hoffman develops aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid). The juice from willow tree bark had been used as early as 400 BC to relieve pain. -
Period: to
Modern World
Genomics in Medicine February 19-20, 2015, USA -
Human Genetics Conference
Human Genetics Conference October 31- November 02, 2016 Valencia, Spain -
Genomics and Personalized
Genomics and Personalized Medicine February 7-11, 2016, Canada -
Symposium: Personalized Cancer
Symposium: Personalized Cancer Medicine June 29 - 30, 2015, France -
Erland Internal medicine
JIM Symposium in Personalized Medicine August 5, Sweden