Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299
Middle Ages
Sep 8, 754
First pharmacy established in Baghdad -
Sep 8, 800
By 800 much more advanced hospitals started showing up -
Sep 6, 900
Discovered the difference between measles and small pox -
Sep 8, 1200
William of Saliceto
Established a school dedicated to surgery -
Sep 8, 1249
Roger Bacon
Invented Spectacles -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Sep 8, 1347
Black Death
Bubonic plague spread from Asia to Europe killing 1/3 of Europes population -
Sep 8, 1350
Renaissance Doctors
Renaissance doctors wore long leather coats, tall boots, protective hats, and a large beak shaped mask filled with strong smelling herbs. -
Sep 8, 1489
Leonardo da Vinci
dissects human corpses and draws detailed pictures of human anatomy -
Sep 8, 1543
Ve Salius
Publishes findings on human anatomy in "De Fabrica Corporis Humani" -
Zacharius Jannessen
Invents the micriscope -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Claudius Aymand
Performs the first appendectomy -
First vaccine developed for cholora -
Wilhelm Carad
Discovers X Rays -
Felix Hoffman
Develops aspirin -
Period: to
Modern World
Karl Land Steiner
Introduces the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O -
Insulin first used to treat diabetes -
Paul Zoll
Develops the first cardiac pacemaker -
Smallpox is irradicated -
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS is identified