• First permanent Spanish settlement was established at St. Augustine

    First permanent Spanish settlement was established at St. Augustine
    In 1493, during his second voyage, Columbus founded Isabella, the first Spanish colony.
  • Period: to


  • Roanoke Colony disappears and is named the lost colony

    Roanoke Colony disappears and is named the lost colony
    Roanoke was the first attempt by the English to establish a colony ........ but they failed.
  • Jamestown settlement established

    Jamestown settlement established
    In Jamestown all the original settlers were men.
  • Pocahontas and john Rolfe marry

    Pocahontas and john Rolfe marry
    John Rolfe explained his feeling for Pocahantas in a letter.
  • House of Burgesses formed

    House of Burgesses formed
    The house of Burgesses was the first democratically-elected Legislaive body in the British American colonies.
  • Plymouth Colony founded

    Plymouth Colony founded
    The Plymouth colony was the first English settlement in the region of modern day new England in the United states.
  • Thanksgiving celebration feast is held

    Thanksgiving celebration feast is held
    The first thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 over a three day harvesting festival.
  • North Carolina Colony was founded

    North Carolina Colony was founded
    It was one of the first two colonys to declare independence.
  • New Jersey Colony founded

    New Jersey Colony founded
    When settlers did land in America, New jersey was one of the 13 original colonies.
  • William Penn established Pennsylvania Colony

    William Penn established Pennsylvania Colony
    Pennsylvnia had a diversified population that included quakers, germans and african slaves.