mayflower compact

  • 1251

    magna carta

    everyone is equal with kings and queens.
    one of the earliest sets of rules Latin for greater character. had a parliament of people who would meet and they had no authority on the king. the first time that laws were put on the king. one of the first laws of the Constitution. no person should be deprived of anything from the fifth amendment. if you are arrested you must be charged of with crime.
  • mayflower compact

    when the pilgrims who meant to land in virginia landed in what would be massachusetts they had to create their own laws. first document establishing self government in the colonies. free citizens voluntary create a government and agree to be bound by its rules.
  • fundamental orders of Connecticut

    constitution adopted by three towns in Hartford. no mention of a govern , lord or king. no religious testing for voting. term limits were a thing. basic structure of the constitution , contained a preamble.
  • English bill of rights

    gave individual rights john locke as the idea that the government is to project the rights of citizens. freedom of speech trial by jury and protection from cruel and unusual punishment changed from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy.
  • Albany plan of union

    an attempt to unify the colonies to better bargain with king George 2. Benjamin Franklin. attempt to fix the growing divide between colonial interests and England interests. increased the idea that north american colonies could be part of a single unit. separated legislative and executive branches of government.
  • French and Indian war

    the seven years war aka the french indian war lasted from 1756-1763 forming a chapter in the imperial struggle between britain and france called the second hundred years war.
  • first Continental congress

    served as the government of the 13 american colonies and later the united states. the first continental congress which was comprised of delegates from the colonies met in 1774 in reaction to the coercive acts. a series of measures imposed by the british government on the colonies in response to their resistance to new taxes.
  • second continental congress

    after the american revolutionary war had begun. it took the momentous steps of declaring Americas independence from Britain. five years later the congress ratified the first national constitution the articles of confederation under the country would be govern until 1789.
  • Declaration of Independence

    was the first formal statement by a nations people asserting their right to choose their own government.when armed conflict between bands of american colonist and British soldiers began in April 1775.
  • Articles of confederation

    written in 1777 and stemming from wartime urgency its progress was slowed by fears of central authority and extensive land claims by the state. congress was given the authority to make treaties and alliances maintain armed forces and coin money.
  • shays Rebellion

    was an armed uprising in western massachusetts in opposition to a debt crisis among the citizenry and the states governments and other collect taxes and trades 1786 to 1787.
  • New Jersey plan

    the new jersey plan was a proposal for the structure of the united states federal government presented by William Paterson at the constitutional convention of 1787. the proposal was a response to the Virginia plan which Paterson believed would put too much power in large states to the disadvantage of smaller states.
  • Three-fifths compromise

    was an agreement made at the 1787 constitutional convention that allowed southern states to count a portion of its enslaved american would be counted as three-fifths and population for purposes of taxation and representation. the 13th and 14th amendments effectively repealed the three-fifths compromise.
  • The Acts

    parliament taxes sugar imported into the colonies. august Boston businesses start boycotting British luxury goods. parliament orders colonies to stop printing their own money. Americans oppose it because they fear it will upset the economy. the first direct tax on the american colonies it taxes legal papers , magazines and newspapers and other documents. the revenue does not go to colonial legislatures but to Britain
  • Virginia plan

    was a proposal to establish a bicameral legislature in the newly founded united was drafted by James Madison in 1787 the plan recommended that the states to be represented based upon their population numbers and was called for the creation of three branches of government. the Virginia plan was not adopted in the full parts of the proposal were incorporated into the great compromise in 1787.