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Aztecs Timeline

  • 500


    Teotihuacán had a population between 150,000 and 200,000 people and was a thriving trade center.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Teotihuacán Abandoned

    Teotihuacán Abandoned
    After years of growth the city abrubtly declined. Historians think this may have been due to an invasion by outside forces or conflict among the ruling classes
  • Jan 1, 900


    Toltecs rose to power and ruled over Mexico from the city of Tula.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Topiltzin ruled

    Topiltzin ruled
    Topiltzin called on the Toltecs to end the practice of human sacrifice. He also encouraged them to worship a different god called Quetzalcoatl.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Aztecs arrived in Mexico

    Aztecs arrived in Mexico
    The Aztecs arrived in the Valley of Mexico.The valley contained a number of small city-states that had survived the collapse of Toltec rule.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Toltec Power Ended

    Toltec Power Ended
    Topiltzin and his followers were forced into exile on the Yucatán Peninsula. After his exile, Toltec power began to decline and by the early 1200s, their reign ended.
  • Jan 1, 1325


    Aztecs founded a city place on a small island in Lake Texcoco that they called Tenochtitlán
  • Jan 1, 1428

    Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Tenochtitlán joined with two other city-states—Texcoco and Tlacopan to form an alliance
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Tenochtitlán Expands

    Tenochtitlán Expands
    Tenochtitlán became a large urban center with a population of between 200,000 and 400,000 people. It was larger than London or any other European capital of the time.
  • Jan 1, 1502

    Montezuma crowned Emperor

    Montezuma crowned Emperor
    Montezuma II became rule and under him the Aztec Empire began to weaken. Montezuma called for even more sacrifice than the Aztecs were already giving. This led up to the end of the Aztec empire.