
  • Period: 250 to


  • 400

    Aztecs stuff

    Aztecs stuff
    The Maya highlands fall under the domination of Teotihuacan, and the disintegration of Maya culture and language begins in some parts of the highlands.
  • Period: Oct 22, 1200 to


  • Oct 30, 1224

    fun and festials

    fun and festials
    The city of Chichen Itza is abandoned by the Toltecs. A people known as the Uicil-abnal, which later takes the name Itza, settles in the desolate city.
  • Oct 22, 1325


    after years of searching the Aztecs chose a siite in the middle of Lake Texcoco for their new capital.
  • Oct 22, 1519

    Cortez Arrives

    Cortez Arrives
    As the year 1519 began, the Aztecs were jittery. It was the end of the 52- year cycle.
  • capital

    In 1978 an electric worker digging in the street discovered a large statue of an Aztec goddess. Shortly after, the base of the Great Temple was uncovered.
  • Aztecs 1

    Aztecs 1
    There is a rebellion within Mayapan and the city is abandoned by 1461. Shortly after this, Yucatan degenerates from a single united kingdom into sixteen rival statelets, each anxious to become the most powerful.