Maya timeline

  • 2000 BCE

    Early Maya Villages Emerge (2000 BCE).

    Early Maya Villages Emerge (2000 BCE).
    People begin farming mazie and beans, building simple houses and making pottery.
  • 1450 BCE

    Mayapan Rises to power (1200 -1450 CE)

    Mayapan Rises to power (1200 -1450 CE)
    It becomes more of a dominant city, but the Maya civilization is more fragmented than in the Classic period.
  • 1200 BCE

    Chichén Itzá Dominates The northern Yucatán (900-1200CE)

    Chichén Itzá Dominates The northern Yucatán (900-1200CE)
    It becomes a powerful city
  • 900 BCE

    Rise of major Maya Cities (250 -900CE)

    Rise of major Maya Cities (250 -900CE)
    The classic period of Maya civilization begins.
  • 900 BCE

    Mysterious decline of Major cities(800-900CE)

    Mysterious decline of Major cities(800-900CE)
    Many major Maya Cities in the southern lowlands are abandoned.
  • 800 BCE

    Peak of Maya writing(400-800CE)

    Peak of Maya writing(400-800CE)
    The Maya system reaches its peak of complexity.
  • 600 BCE

    Development of the Maya Calander( 600 BCE)

    Development of the Maya Calander( 600 BCE)
    The Maya developed a calender system based on there observations of the sun, moon, and planets.
  • 1511

    Arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors (1511)

    Arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors (1511)
    Spanish explores first arrive on the Yucatán Peninsula, marking the beggining of the Spanish Conquest of the Maya
  • Fall of the Last Maya Kingdom (1697)

    Fall of the Last Maya Kingdom (1697)
    The last independent Maya kingdom
  • Maya Cultural Revival (20th Century, 1901)

    Maya Cultural Revival (20th Century, 1901)
    There is a resurgence of intrest in Maya culture and a movement to preserve Maya languages and traditions.