Maya Angy

  • Birth of Maya

    Birth of Maya
    St. Louis MO
  • Maya gets Married

    Maya gets Married
    She marries Tosh Angelos, greek electrician
  • Maya gets divorced

  • Maya releases an album

    Mrs. Calypso
  • Maya meets John Oliver Killens

    He encourages her to start her writing career.
  • Maya creates Cabaret for Freedom

    She does this after meeting Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Maya turns Commie

    Maya turns Commie
    She began her pro-Castro and anti-apartheid activism
  • Maya writes "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"

    Maya writes "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"
  • Maya organizes a Civil Rights March

    Martin Luther King is assassinated on her 40th birthday soon after.
  • Maya wrote Blacks, Blues, and Black

    She also produced and narrated it.
  • Maya produces a Swedish Film

    First produced screenplay by a black woman. It's called "Georgia"
  • Appears in TV Series, "Roots"

    Appears in TV Series, "Roots"
    Won many awards.
  • Death of Maya

    Death of Maya