Day 1
Humidity: 43%
Wind: NNW 4 mph
Pressure: 30.20 in
Visibility: 10.0 miles
Blow flies when found
Several openings
Gut hanging out -
Day 2
Humidity 89%
Wind: S 14mph
Very Sunny and the grass contains dew Entomology
The openings are beginning to show signs of decay.
The mandible is showing a slightly crushed.
The animal is surrounded by blow flies.
The flies are trying to enter through the mouth which is 1inch open.
The guts are also coming out so the flies are there as well.
The openings are blackened -
Day 3
HUmidity: 36%
Wind: SE 6 mph
Partly Cloudy Blow flies
.5cm maggots -
Day 4
Humdity: 29%
Wind: N 1mph
Very Sunny Blow flies
2cm maggots -
Day 5
No observation -
Day 6
No observation -
Day 7
Cloudy - moist/wet ground
Humidity: 89%
Wind: S 14pmh Baby blow flies
1.5cm maggots and 1cm maggots
The flies and maggots must have laid eggs -
Day 8
Humidity: 49%
Wind: S 11 mph The bugs are gone
Mostly skin and bone
The animal is starting to become soil -
Day 9
Weather: Sunny, minimal clouds
Humidity: 52%
Wind: S 18 mph No bugs
Still decomposing to soil
The hips are open and blackened -
Day 10
Weather: Sunny and Bright
Humidity: 49%
Wind: N 6mph No more bugs
Bottom of squirrel is black
Hips are open and bones are visible