
  • 7000 BCE

    Chinese farmers start to grow rice

    As early as 7000 BC farmers grew rice in the middle Chang Jiang Valley Modern day example: Chinese farmer's rice growing skills impacted modern day by making china easier to produce rice-made foods.
  • 3500 BCE

    Cuneiform invented

    Cuneiform is the first writing system, they had to learn symbols and write on clay tables, it is not known for sure when it was created, but it is know as about 3500 BC. Modern day example: the first word writing system developed into the language of now days, language make communication easier and faster.
  • 3500 BCE

    Gilgamesh became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature

    by 3500 BC, a city-state of Uruk and Ur fought for dominance. One of Uruk's king, Gilgamesh became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature (Pg.61)
  • 3300 BCE

    Early Egyptian writing/Papyrus invented

    The earliest example of Egyptian writing are form around 3300 BC, these writing were carved in stone or other hard materials. Later Egyptian also learned how to make Papyrus, a long-lasting paper-like material made from reeds.
  • 3000 BCE

    Sumerians settle in Mesopotamia

    By 3000 BC, several hundreds thousands Sumerians has settled in Mesopotamia (Pg.60)
  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Old kingdom is a period in Egyptian history that lasted about 2700 BC to 2200 BC
  • 2300 BCE

    Akkad built

    When Sargon sought to extend Akkadian territory, he built a new empire called Akkad (pg.61)
  • 2300 BCE

    First Empire

    Sargon established the first empire, Akkadian Empire
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 2150 BCE

    Akkadian Empire

    Sargon's Akkadian Empire was started in 2300 BC and Sargon ruled for about 50 years, then fall after a century after Sargon's death (pg.62)
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1700 BCE

    Harappan Civilization

    Harappan Civilization started at about 2300 BC and ended at 1700 BC
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 350

    Kush Empire

    in 2000 BC, One of the leaders in the villager took control of the other villages and and made himself king of region and that was the start of Kush empire
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1600 BCE

    The minoans

    Minoans spent much of their time in at the sea. They were among the best shipbuilders of that time. Their ships carried goods such as wood, olive oil, and pottery all around the Mediterranean and traded these with copper, gold, silver, and jewels(pg.230)
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1050 BCE

    New Kingdom

    Egypt's 18th dynasty, New Kingdom was born, the period when Egypt reached the highest power and glory
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1200 BCE

    The Shang Dynsty

    The first evidence with clear evidence is the Shang, which was firmly established by 1500 BC
  • 965 BCE

    Solomon takes david's place

    Solomon took his father, David's place at 965 BC, like his father Solomon was a strong king, he expanded the kingdom and made nearby kingdoms
  • Period: 900 BCE to 464 BCE

    The Spartans

    Spartans were one of the most powerful society, they would train young boys to become a soldier, but even the powerful society can't go against the power of natural disaster, the Sparta fall on 464 BC due to an earthquake
  • Period: 710 BCE to 670 BCE

    The Kushite Dynasty

    After Piankhi died, his brother Shabaka took control of the kingdom, Shabaka then declared himself as pharaoh, that was he declaration of the 25th dynasty, or Kushite Dynasty(pg.110)
  • 600 BCE

    The Great Wall of China is built

    During Qin dynasty, Shi Huangdi also wanted to protect the country from invasion, so he built The Great wall(pg.175) Modern day Impact: Great wall of china is one of the most famous tourist attractions
  • 600 BCE

    Social System creation of Spartans.

    Spartan society was dominated by military. According to Spartan tradition, their social system was created between 900 and 600 BC by a man named Lycurgus
  • 550 BCE

    Cyrus II led a Persian revolt against the Medes

    Cyrus II led a Persian revolt against the Medes. His revolt was succesful Cyrus won independence for Persia and conquered the Medes.
  • 500 BCE

    Cleisthenes gains power

    Around 500 BC, a new leader named Cleisthenes gained power in Athens. Although he was a member of one of the most powerful families in Athens, Cleisthenes didn't want aristocracy to run the government. (pg.238)
  • 499 BCE

    Greek cities in Asia Minor rebel

    In 499 BC, several Greek cities in Asia minor Rebelled against the Persian Rules. (pg. 263)
  • 480 BCE

    Xerexs I's attempt of Greece reconquer

    Darius's son Xerexs I tried to conquer Greece again, In 480 BC the Persian army set our for Greece, this time they were joined by Persian navy
  • 359 BCE

    Philip II

    In 359 BC, Phillip II became king of Macedonia. Phillip spent years of rule fighting against off invaders who wanted to take over his kingdom
  • 330 BCE

    Athens conquered by Macedonia

    Athens was conquered by the Macedonian from north of Greece,Even after being conquered by Macedonian, Athens kept its democracy government
  • 320 BCE

    Candaragupta Maurya seize control of northern part of India

    In the 320s BC a millitary leader named Candaragupta Maurya seized control of the entire northern part of India. (pg.142)
  • 301 BCE

    Candaragupta decide to become Janist monk

    In 301 BC Candragupta decided to become Janist monk.
  • 270 BCE

    Asoka became king

    Around 270 BC Candragupta's grandson Asoka became a king. Asoka was a stronger ruler, the strongest of all the Mauryan emperors.
  • 233 BCE

    Asoka's death

    Asoka died in 233 BC, and the empire fall apart (pg.143)
  • 221 BCE

    Shi Huangdi succes in unifying China

    In 221 BC, the Qin king Ying Zheng succeeded in unifying china, he gave him self the title Shi Huangdi, which means first emperor (pg.172)
  • Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE

    Qin Dynasty

    Qin Dynasty started when Qin king Ying Zheng succeeded in unifying china
  • 200

    Buddhist altars

    By AD 200, Buddhist altars stood in the emperor's palace.
  • 300

    Creation of Talmud

    Talmud is a set of commentaries and lessons for everyday life. The writing of Talmud was produced between AD 200 and AD 600
  • Period: 320 to 500

    Gupta dynasty

    A new dynasty was established in India. It was the Gupta dynasty, which took over India at about AD 320, under Gupta dynasty, India was once again became prosperous.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Sephardic produce golden age of Jewish culture

    The Serphadic produced a golden age of Jewish culture in the AD 1000s and 1100s. During this peroid, for example, Jewish poets wrote beautiful works in Hebrews and other languages