Max nunnelee's presentation

  • advertising reaserch foundation

    advertising reaserch foundation created in the hope of figuring out ways of increasing profits.
  • Marlboro man ads launched

    Marlboro man ads launched
    although the 1920- throgh 1950s was the major tie for cigaret advertizments the Marlboro man ads started on 1955.
  • The hidden pusuaders

    The hidden pusuaders
    an anti advertisment book The hidden pusuaders was published reducing trust in advertisments every where.
  • subliminal advertisements

    subliminal advertisements
    subliminal advertisments are band by the national acociation of broadcasters in an atmempt to apease the masses.
  • Credit card

    Credit card
    Bank of america reveals the first credit card. Americans were ravenous for products to buy at any moment.
  • qiuz show scandals

    qiuz show scandals
    Leading up to 1958 qiuz shows had grown into popularity. The three largest qiuz shows of the time were The $64,000 question, its spinoff The $64,000 Challenge, and Twenty one gaining top raitings and the intrest of sponsors in thier peak. In May 1958 however it was reavealed that corpoat sponsors were controling the victors of the game Dotto to sell thier products crashing the qiuz shows in 1950 october when both The $64,000 question and, its spin off The $64,000 Challenge were pulled.
  • Volkswagen launches self deprecating campaign.

    Volkswagen launches self deprecating campaign.
    volkswagen launches inovative campaign that uses humor and humbility to earn customers. The succes of the lokswagen was due to the 1960s counter coulteral movment.
  • New life style sensus

    New life style sensus
    during the 1960s a new life style sensus was published. this sensus was more acurare than previous sensus's. this in cobination with projected economic downfall, caused ad company to invest in more accurate and more effiecent phcological ads.
  • Chains become prominant

    Chains become prominant
    Thanks to ecenomic prosperity during the 1960s chains became prominant. Chains works by allowing locals to pay money to open a brand store in echange for a part of the profits.
  • Period: to

    first examples of using sex to sell

    With the invention of the pill views on sex changed took a turn for the looser. this combined with counter cultural movements inspired ad compony to sell products different ly with humor, self deperafecation, and and sex.
  • Tv ads rise to become most prominant form of ad

    Tv ads rise to become most prominant form of ad
    As viwer ship of television increased so did the prominace of the advertisments. Due to this rise tv ads rose in prices deacreasing ads to the time span of 30 seconds.
  • baby boomers and countercoulcher

    due to over saturization of ads a large counter coulteral movement srang up in the 1960s. due to this ads reduced in effectiveness until advertisers leared how to market to this audiance.
  • the firtsadvertising compony gos public

    Papert, Koenig, Lois is the first advertising compony to go public
  • pepsi launches youth generation campaign

    pepsi launches youth generation campaign
    Pepsi Launches youth generation campaign to take advantage of a rising couter cultural movement.
  • the birth of the pillsbery doughboy

    the birth of the pillsbery doughboy
    The Leo Burnett Agency comes up with the pillsbery doughboy in order to boost sales creating an icon
  • Fall of the volkswagen

    Fall of the volkswagen
    volkswagen sales start dropping due to the introduction of dodge and ford.
  • anti cigarets

    anti cigarets
    Congress passes laws reqiuring warnings on cigarets and baning tv advertisments.
  • first woman to run a major ad corporation

    Mary Wells is made the first woman to run a major ad corporation.
  • American Advertising Federation

    american advertising Federation is created with the merger of two companys.
  • Death of the Frito Bambito

    Death of the Frito Bambito
    Frito lay company kills of thier icon frito bambito after complaints where received that he was racist.