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Matthew's Timeline February 16, 2010

By spoor1
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I weighed 7 lbs 11 oz. My mom and dad named me Matthew because it means "gift of God".
  • Period: to

    Matthew's Timeline

  • My 1st birthday

    My 1st birthday
    I don't remember my first birthday, but my mom says there were a lot of people there and I got held by my great grandmother who died a few months later.
  • Moved from Baton Rouge, La to Jacksonville, Fl

    Moved from Baton Rouge, La to  Jacksonville, Fl
    My mom and I moved to Jacksonville when I was a baby. I don't remember ever living in Baton Rouge.
  • My 2nd Birthday

    My 2nd Birthday
    I had a swimming party and I loved Finding Nemo. I loved my Finding Nemo cake.
  • My mom and dad get married

    My mom and dad get married
    I remember that I got chocolate cake at the wedding and it was good. I got sad when my mom and dad went on their honeymoon because I didn't know where they were.
  • My 3rd Birthday

    My 3rd Birthday
    I don't remember my third birthday either, but my mom says it was a beach party. I actually went into the water.
  • My 4th Birthday

    My 4th Birthday
    For my forth birthday, my mom made me a Lightening McQueen cake. It was so cool!
  • My 5th Birthday

    My 5th Birthday
    For my fifth birthday, I had a bowling party. I got 3 strikes! I also got a golden bowling pin trophy that I still have.
  • My sister is born

    My sister is born
    I was very very very happy to see her little face and tiny fingers. I got to hold her in the hospital.
  • Bye bye kindergarten

    Bye bye kindergarten
    I was very happy to get lots of awards. I got to wear graduation cap.
  • My 6th Birthday

    My 6th Birthday
    My sixth birthday party was at Adventure Landing. We got to play Lazer Tag and it was so fun! I got a batman sword that I wanted really badly.
  • Lost my 1st tooth

    Lost my 1st tooth
    I ate a lollipop and my tooth popped right out. The tooth fairy brought me two quarters!
  • My 7th Birthday

    My 7th Birthday
    For my 7th birthday party, I had another Adenture Landing party and I had a party in Utah. My mom made me a Millenium Falcon cake that I loved.