Matthew Henson and his Expdition are going to the North Pole for the Last Time

  • The Roosevelt is leaving New York and go to Cape Columbia

    The Roosevelt is  leaving New  York and go to Cape Columbia
    The Roosvevelt left New York heading to Cape Columbia.
  • Oyster Bay

    Oyster Bay
    At Oyster Bay,New York President Theodore Roosevelt came on board to wish Peary luck.
  • Matt is training the new men.

    Matt is training the new men.
    Matt began training the new men in the art of dog driving,igloo building,and survival to get ready to go on the expedition.
  • Speial Possession

    On Feb.1909 each man took one speial possession. Matt took his bible.
  • The Expedition is go to the North Pole

    The Expedition is go to the North Pole
    The Exedition was on their way to the North Pole they got all the supplies they need like Pemmican,Biscuits,and Tea.
  • Bartlett and Borup Went to Check out a Trail.

    Bartlett and Borup Went to Check out a Trail.
    Bartlett and Borup left Cape Columbia to go check out a trail to see if the trail is safe to go on it.
  • Matt and Peary cought up with the Bartlett

    Matt and Peary cought up with the Bartlett
    Henson and paery caught up with Bartlett at the big lead on March 4.
  • Matt and the others were still waiting by the lead.

    They were still waiting beside the big lead because,it was bigger and wider than last years.
  • The Big Lead was Frozen

    The Big Lead was Frozen
    It was claer and calm and -45 F and the big lead was frozen over so they could go over.
  • Three Men returned

    Three men had aready returnd as planned it was Ross Marvins trun to go back.
  • Bartelett Floating away

    Bartelett Floating away
    Peary and Henson cought up with bartlett beside a wide lead.Peary and Henson build igloos one hunard yards feet away.foating away Bartlett harnessed in a flash they leaped across the swirling water to be safe.
  • Bartlett is going Back

    Bartlett is going Back
    It was Bartletts turn to go back.
  • It was Paery and Hesons Turn

    It was Paery  and Hesons Turn
    Paery started out on foot and then rode on sledge in his custom.
  • A Lead Coverd with Thin Ice

    A Lead Coverd with Thin Ice
    Matt and Peary came to a lead coverd with thin ice Matt drove his sledge across the ice then the ice broke Matt fell in he called the dogs to get him out Matt finally got out.They only had 35 miles to go.
  • The North Pole

    The North Pole
    They think thier in the right place so Peary took more observations calcalating and sure he was in the right place.
  • Matt and Henson Finally made it.

    Matt and Henson Finally made it.
    They found the Noth Pole and did alot of measureing.they put a flag so we know they were the fisrt to go to the North Pole.
  • Going Home

    Going Home
    Matt and Paery went back to Cape Columbia. They were back at cape columbia and go home.