Matthew Henson

By derriks
  • The Roosevelt

    The Roosevelt
    The Roosevelt left New York heading to Cape Sheridan.
  • Oyster Bay

    Oyster Bay
    At Oyster Bay,New York,President Theodore Roosevelt boarded wishing Peary luck.
  • Arrived at Sharidan

    Arrived at Sharidan
    The Roosevelt arrived to cape sheridan and the men got gotall the food and sleges ready thay packed enough food for 50 days and brought a belonging.The men leaned to drive the dog sleds and make snow forts.
  • Ready for the pole

    Ready for the pole
    The men were ready to the North Pole with all of the food and dogs.
  • Journey

    That morning captin Bartlet and Borup on there journey of the trail.
  • Off on the Trail

    Off on the Trail
    At 6:30 that morning Henson waited for Pearyto tell them to ahead and thay were off on the trail.
  • Regrouped at Big Lead

    Regrouped at Big Lead
    Henson and Peary had regrouped with bartlet at The Big Lead.
  • Still Waiting

    Still Waiting
    Still waiting to cross The Lead with the others,Matt saw the sun apear again.
  • Safe to cross

    Safe to cross
    The men were working on their suplies finaly The Big Lead was safe to cross.The ice was thick enough to safely cross.
  • Go back

    Go back
    It was Ross and Marvins turn to go back,he also gave Matt,Bartiet and Peary a wish of luck to continue.Bartlet set back out on the trail Bartlet and team of dogs were on a big chunk of ice fioating the dogs leaped from the ice to safty.
  • Bartlet back on the trail

    Bartlet back on the trail
    Peary and Henson regroped with Bartlet and The Eskimoes at The Lead.Bartlet went back on the trail.
  • All day

    All day
    Bartlet had to turn back,he wanted Henson and Peary to go.To the North Pole.All day thay fernished their sleges.
  • Walking,marching,and riding sled

    Walking,marching,and riding sled
    At midnight Peary and Henson started walking,then thay marched for 10 hours then rode sleges.
  • Thin ice

    Thin ice
    Matt drove acrosed a lead with thin ice and one of the runners broke through.One of the dogs pull on matts hood and pulled him out.
  • Miles

    Matt could could tell miles accuratly,he thought that thay marched 10 miles,there were 35 miles left.
  • North Pole

    North Pole
    Henson and Peary,with the esimos had made it to the Nortn Pole.That was there dream in life
  • At last

    At last
    Henson and Peary were back at Cape Coulmbia,and Henson could see the Roosevelt and the people thair to greet them.