soviet purges
there is great debate over the purpose of the soviet purges but some believ that the purges were used to put fear into stakins people he ruled over. when the purges came to an end in 1938 the death toll waa up to 6 million, just as devestating as the german holocaust -
My Lai Massacre
This took place in the "son my" village of southern veitnam. This was a veitnam mass murder done by the american service men in march 1968. there was a total of 504 killed, with most of the vitums being women, childeren, and the elderly. most of the women were gang raped before being murdered. Only one person was convicted, he was the leader of platoon and was sentanced a life time in prison but was let out after only three years and had 1/2 year of house arrest -
uganda under idi Amin
idi amin's ruling was considered to be a human rights violation because of ethnic persicution, political repression, mass killings, governament corruption and miss managing the economy. when he became president he appointed high ranking military officials as part of his cabinet and told his people they would be suject to military disaplin. when he began to persicute ethnic group and his army went on purges the death toll rose up to 500,000 killed. -
genocide in bosnia and herzegovina
in this human rights violation 8,000 bosnian men and boys were killed and the expulsion of 25,000-30,000 bosnian citezens occured. this genoicied was claimed to have happened because of ethnic cleansing and was comited by the VRS. -
Darfur conflict
this was a guerilla conflict and civil war in the darfur region of the sudan. the etimated number of deathes is in the hunderds of thousands. they were either killed by direct conflict or by starvation and disease caused by the genocied. most of the blame has been put on the local miltia .