Starting the Big Adventure.
On July 6th 1908,a team of explorers,Matthew Henson,Robert Peary,and Captain Bartlett,were on there sixth and final attempt to go to the North Pole.Soon they were borded on The Roosevelt and ready to go. -
Good Luck From Teddy.
On July 7th,President Theodore Roosevelt went to Oyster Bay and shook Peary's hand and gave him luck for the Noth Pole expedition. -
The Great Warm Up.
The Roosevelt docked at Cape Sheridan.So Matt started training the new men in the art of dog sleding,igloo building,and survival. -
Ready to Go
The crew was ready on February 28th 1909,to go to the North Pole.Each person from the crew brought something special.Matt brought his Bible,and each sledge had 450 pounds of supplies. -
Pioneer Trail
Bartlett and Borup were on there way to The Pioneer Trail. -
Forward March
Peary had to take some tests to see how far they were.So the crew had to wait for Peary to say,"Forward March!" -
The Lead
Peary and Matt saw Bartlett on the other side of the big lead and it was wide and fearful. -
Crimson Sphere
Matt saw a Crimson Sphere and the weather was great,but he couldn't cross the lead. -
Frozen Lead
The Lead was frozen and the men went across quickly. -
Time to Go Ross
It was time for Ross Marvin to go back to the Roosevelt. -
Bye Bartlett,Just Kiding
Matt and Peary set up camp and water was hitting the dogs.Henson saw Bartlett beside a lead,and the ice split.Bartlett and the dogs were stuck on a frozen ice island,andgot harnessed by Matt and they leaped across. -
Bye Bartlett, Now!!
It was Bartlett's turn to leave.So Matt repaired the sledges and rested. -
March,March March March,March
The crew marched for 10 HOURS!!!!!!!Then Matt saw the moon and the sun on oppisite sides of each other in the sky. -
Matt fell in the freezing water and Ootah ( one of the Eskimoes ) saved him. -
3 Miles Left
At Noon Peary saw that they were 3 miles from the top of the world. -
The North Pole
Matt and Peary made it to the North Pole and put the flag there. -
Home at Last
Matt and Peary took the Roosevelt back to Cape Columbia ,and some of Peary's friends were there to meet them.Henson's friend took him to his cabin and took off his furs.