332 BCE
Secrets of Alchemy
Alexander the Great conquers Egypt, and Greek Science is merged with Egyptian Science. -
Secrets of Alchemy
Diocletian orders the burning of all alchemical books in order to suppress a revolt in Alexandria. -
Radical Puzzles
Al-Khwarizmi solves quadratic equations of different types -
Prisoners of Probability
Al-Kindi uses statistics to decipher encrypted messages based on frequency analysis -
Secrets of Alchemy
Chinese alchemist discover gunpowder while working on a life elixirs. -
Secrets of Alchemy
Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, discusses transmutation of metals in "De artibus liberalibus" and "De generatione stellarum". -
Secrets of Alchemy
Nicolas Flamel is born. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/14SjMO8uUHt2Z_y6daa4xoFaQNk9Bwu6QWweQycta4g8] -
Radical Puzzles
Gerolamo Cardano introduces complex solutions to solve “To divide 10 into 2 parts, the product of which is 40” in his book, Ars Magna. -
Radical Puzzles
Raphael Bombelli introduces the notation "i" to stand for the square root of negative 1 in l’Algebra -
Prisoners of Probability
Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat lay the groundwork for probability theory while contemplating a gambling problem. -
Radical Puzzles
Rene Descartes coins the term “imaginary” with respect to negative square roots. “For any equation one can imagine as many roots [as its degree would suggest], but in many cases no quantity exists which corresponds to what one imagines.” -
Prisoners of Probability
Jacob Bernoulli publishes what is known as the Law of Large Numbers in "Ars Conjectandi" -
Radical Puzzles
William Rowan Hamilton defines ordered pair addition and multiplication via (a,b) (c,d) which exist in RxR, (a,b)+(c,d)=(a+c,b+d) and (a,b)(c,d)=(ac-bd,bc+ad). This is important because this is the same way we operate on complex numbers. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oqitJH4IBJREzJF-67nNKpg5H7HFAuBHpxXjBSn7ugg] -
Albert Michelson and Edward Morley compare the speed of light in two beams perpendicular to one another and observe the speed is the same relative to you regardless of how you were moving. -
Albert Einstein writes a paper stating the assumption we move through an ether is a pointless assumption, as we can't prove if the ether exists. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/17mDK_c8OTZCsaSM6yRFyJbS8OzLHwIPWhMfR4hw2XB0] -
Instead of time being universal, Einstein suggest that time was relative to each individual -
Albert Einstein suggest that space-time is curved, not linear. The curve is caused by gravity. -
Edwin Schrodinger suggests a new atomic model built upon the probability of finding an electron in a given area. -
Prisoners of Probability
"Beat the Dealer" by Edward O. Thorp is published, causing vast changes to casino blackjack. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-QpgI83aLpujNUV0UkTealxHnip5Y7kgJhV63pcWQM] -
Prisoners of Probability
The Monty Hall Problem goes viral following a letter in the "American Statistician".