Mastery Journey Timeline

  • Enrolled at Full Sail University. Fill out enrollment documents. Create student profile.

  • Period: to

    Mastery: Personal Development & Leadership. Create PLN. Go from student to apprentice.

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    Public Relations in a Digital World. Examine media influence. Learn strategic communications.

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    Writing for Interactive Media. Explore mechanics of storytelling. Learn to engage audience.

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    Legal Aspects of Media. Resolve ethical dilemmas. Examine legal issues in the context of current technologies.

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    Innovative Public Relations Tools & Resources. Examine social networks. Investigate crowd sourcing behavior.

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    Social Media Metrics & ROI. Measure and evaluate public relations efforts. Integrate measures into professional planning.

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    Market & Consumer Research Analysis. Examine marketing resources. Capture and retrieve industry data.

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    Media Relations. Explore media communities. Examine advocates and skeptics.

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    Events Marketing & Production. Create events to generate buzz. Examine how PR enhances events.

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    Reputation Management Strategies. Respond to changes in sentiment about brand. Monitor conversations and report social metrics.

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    The Online Media Room. Integrate digital media assets with third-party social platforms. Explore best practices for managing online media assets.

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    Public Relations Final Project & Thesis. Create website. Defend thesis.