Period: to
Execution movie
An actuality,no-fiction short film by Thomas Edision. The non-fiction film was about the execution of the assassin McKinley. -
Guglielmo Marconi sends a signal
Macrconi sends a signal from England to Newfoundland. The Trans-Atlantic radio transmission. -
John Ambrose Fleming invented the vaccum tube
Flemming invented the first two-electrode vaccum tube amplifier. He called it the oscillation, also known as the Fleming tube or valve. -
Lee Deforest Audion Amplifier
The audion amplifier was invented in 1906. Helped amplify sounds using a grid, a plate, and a filament -
G.W Pickard invented Crystal radio reciever
The Cats-whisker detector also known as the crystal radio detector was invented by Pickard with the help from H.C Dunwoody in 1906 -
Newreels , a short documentary film, begins. -
Titanic Sinking
The titanic sunk on the night of April 14th into the 15th, just four days into it's voyage. -
The radio
The radio helped aid efforts for World War 1 -
Birth of a Nation Release
Birth of a Nation by D.W Griffith releases the first full film to significanlty impact culture. -
First World War Ends
The First World War ends after the Treaty of Versailles was signed in Paris. -
KDKA a radio station located and licensed in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. -
Toll Broadcasting
The first commercial on the radio airs at WEAF, in New York. -
Leopold and Loeb
Leopold and Loeb both killed and mutliated a fourteen year old. This was the case that introduced the psychiatric defense to the legal system. -
The Radio Act of 1927
The U.S Radio Act of 1927 is signed. Gave power to regulate the radio waves in each time zone of the U.S -
Stock Market Crashes
The stock market crashes. Many fortunes lost. Most people were unemployed and homeless -
Philo T. Farnsworth
Philo T. Farnsworth recieves a patent for television. -
Closed Circut Television
Closed-Circut for education starts at the University of Iowa. -
Communications Act of 1934
The Communications Act of 1934 was formed to govern U.S broadcasting. Signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt -
The Hindenberg Crash
A german airplane crashed in New Jersey. It was the first major catastrophe to be covered by on the spot broadcast report. -
World War 2 Begins
On September 1st , When Adolf Hitler released Germany troops on Poland -
Pearl Harbor Attacked
On December 7th Japanese planes began dropping bombs on the U.S base in Peral Harbor, Hawaii. This event made the U.S officially get involved in World War 2. -
Franklin D. Roosvelt Dies
Franklin D. Roosvelt dies from a cerebral hemorrhage. He served throught the Great Depression and World War 2 -
The Japanese Surrender
On August 15, the Japanese surrender after two atomic bombs were dropped over two different citites killing thousands of people. -
The Hollywood Ten
In October of 1947, Ten Hollywood film members denounced the tatics of the House Un-American Activites Committee. These ten members later got jail sentences and were banned from working for the major Hollywood studios. -
Dewey Defeat Truman
On November 3rd "The Chicago Tribune" released a newspaper that proclaimed that Dewey beat Truman for the presidency. Truman won despite the predictions against him with 303 electoral votes. -
Decilne of the Newspapers
During the strike on newspapers about the wages, most of the newspaper's lost popularity and declined. After the reslove most newpapers had a hard time gaining bach their popularty. -
Segregation Ends
On May 17th the Supreme Courts rules that segregation is unconstitutional in Brown vs. Board of Education. -
Murder of Emmett Till
Two white men brutally killed Emmett Till , a black teenager, visiting Mississippi from Chicago. The two men killed him because Till apparently flirting with a white women. The mother of Till left the casket of her son open to show the world how brutal they were to her son. -
Forced Integration
President Dwight Eisenhower ordered the Arkansas National Guard to protect nine black students attempting to integrate Little Rock Central High School. -
"The Day the Music Died"
In an airplane crash on February 3rd, Rock 'n' Roll singer, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, J.P Richardson and a pilot died near Clear Lake, Iowa. This is considered "the day the music died" in Don McLean's song "American Pie". -
The Kennedy and Nixon Debate
This is the first time in history that a presidential debate is televised on national television. -
NASA Launch
NASA lanched this spherical satelite into space. Later that day, live broadcasts were beamed for the first time between North America and Europe. -
Assassination of President Kennedy
The assassination of President Kennedy shocked the whole nation. Assassinated on Friday and had his funeral procession on the following Monday. It brought the nation to a hault. -
The British Invasion
After the assassination on President Kennedy, the nation needed a distraction from their mourning. The Beatles were the distraction. The British Invasion started when they were first introduced on Ed Sullivan show. -
First Step On the Moon
On July 20th, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. NASA accomplished the goal that President Kennedy set to land on the moon. -
The Pentagon Papers
"The New York Times" started publishing pieces of the 7,000 page government study of the Vietnam War. The government tried to keep the study from being published but the Supreme Court ruled that the government's actions were not justified. -
Roe vs. Wade
In Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court legalized aboration in the U.S. A decision of 7-2. -
President Nikxon Resigns
President Richard Nixon resigns in order to aviod impeachment. -
The "King" Dies
Elvis Presley "The King of Rock 'n' Roll" died at the age of 42. -
Three Mile Island
The Three Mile Island accident became the worst nuclear power plant accident in the U.S. After the accident no new nuclear plants were made in the U.S. -
John Lennon Assassinated
The forner Beatle was returning to his apartment in New York with his wife when he was shot five times. He later died shortly from his wounds. -
Ronlad Reagan Shot
The attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan just sixty nine days into his presidencey. -
MTV Launches
The Music Television (MTV) aired its first music video. The video was Video Killed the Radio Star by the Buggles. -
Summer Olympics L.A
The Summer Olymoics were held that year in Los Angeles, California. -
The Challenger Explodes
NASA's space shuttle The Challenger eplodes, seventy three seconds after lift off. Leading to the dealths of the seven crew members. -
24 Hour News Coverage Starts
During the Gulf War, CNN started covering news 24 hours. With this their ratings went up and established the traditional broadcast news operations. -
Earvin Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson a successful basketball player anounced he was HIV positive. This was a wake up call for everyone that anyone could get the diease. -
Los Angeles Riots
After the jury decided that the white police officers of the beating of Rodney King , an afrcian american teenager, where acuitted, African Americans took to the streets and started rioting. -
World Trade Center Bombing
Islamic terrorists attempted to blow up the towers with a car bomb underneath tower one. The towers did not fall though instead of killing thousand like their plan was inly killed six people. -
JFK Jr. Dies
John F. Kennedy Jr. and his family dies. After the plane he was piloting crashed into the ocean. -
Septmeber 11 Attacks
On the day of September 11th four terriorts attacks occurred. Two hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center. One plane crashed into the Pentagon. Another plane was supposed to crash in Wasington D.C but passengers over took the plane. All attacks killed 2,996 people in total. -
Olympics in the USA
In 2002 the Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, Utah. -
The Eurption of an Alsakan Volcano
Since 1986 the volcano Augustine has been dorment. But in 2006 the volcano erupted twice. -
Great Recession
The Great Recession is said to be worse than the Great Depression. Although the outcome wasn't as bad as the Great Depression because of the different policy responses. -
President Obama Inaugurated
President Barack Obama was the 44th president. Also he made history because he was the first African American president