Mass Media

By Issas
  • Mass media

    Creation of newspaper.
    newspapers took part in the effort to inform citizens of perceived British misdeeds and to incite attempts to revolt.
  • Mass Media

    Machines and manufacturing made printing faster.
  • Radio News

    Radio news made an appearance, companies began sponsoring new programs and radio dramas.
  • Television

    Television allows politicians to reach out and connect with citizens and voters in deeper ways. Television combined the best attributes of radio and pictures and changed media forever.
  • Cable

    The expansion of the Internet in the 2000s opened up more options for media consumers than ever before. Viewers can watch nearly anything at the click of a button, bypass commercials, and record programs of interest.
  • Satellite Radio

    Sirius Satellite Radio began a campaign for FCC approval of satellite radio. The idea was to broadcast digital programming from satellites in orbit, eliminating the need for local towers.