Start on popplet and analysis draft
Period: to
Research on the difference between the skills of mass communication from the past to the present
Period: to
Period: to
Research on the difference between the technologies used from the past to the present in mass communication
Collate the research results as a team
Introduction of ourselves
Outline of website. Filling in the avaliable information
Summarise and pick out important information
Research on social media platforms
Research on journalism skills
Research on responsibility to the public such as media law
Reserach on the most effective way to broadcast
Survey and Results
Amendments to survey questions
Completion on " What it takes to be "
Include video on introduction of MC
Social media platform information included
What are the responsiblities ?
Include all research and information
Include more visuals according to the surey results
Research on the most popular social media
Update of project log
Include all further information into the website
Correction to website