Mason's Holocaust timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Germany lost WWI surrendered to Allies and signed unfavorable treaty because they lost land military and paid money to the winners.
  • Hyperinflation

    Prices skyrocket in Germany due to the amount of money printed.
  • Beerhall Putch

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government. Went to take German Officials hostage someone called police and soldiers and police were there and arrested Hitler and injured/killed others.
  • Period: to

    Republic Government in Germany

    Germany had a Republic Government with the president named Hindenburg until his health began to fail in the 1930's.
  • Hitler named Chancellor

    He eliminated political rivals to be head of the Nazi's. Rising popularity of the Nazi's forced Hindenburg to give him some power.
  • Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag caught fire in the middle of the night Hitler blamed Communists for starting the fire. Most likely the Nazi's started the fire.
  • Enabling Act

    Hitler gains power for decision making. Withing months all political parties were eliminated except the Nazi's. This allowed Hitler to get rid of all of his rivals.
  • First Concentration Camps were set up

    Early on, the camps were for imprisonment and hard labor not killing. The first few Camps were for political prisoners.
  • Nuremberg

    Nazi's needed way to identify Jews from others so they could discriminate them. If you have 3-4 Jewish grandparents you're Jewish if you have 1-2 Jewish grandparents you have mixed blood so part Jewish
  • Appeasement

    German Army moves in Austria annexes CZECHOSLOVAKIA. To avoid war other countries let Germany do that.

    In response to the murder of a German diplomat orders are given to Nazi party members to riot against Jewish businesses and homes but make it look like a civilian uprising.
  • Ghetto's established

    Nazi's rounding up millions of Jews and and taking them to the Ghetto. Some of the largest ghettos were in the cities of like Warsaw and Lodz in Poland
  • Euthanasia Program begins

    Systematic killing of those Germans whom the Nazi's deemed "unworthy of life" because of mental illness or physical disability. Eventually 80,000 people with disabilities were killed
  • Germany invades Poland starts World War II

    Poland had a population of Jews of 3 million and thought the War would result in the destruction of all Jewish race in Europe.
  • First Death Camp

    Opened at Chelmno in Central Poland. Vans with small gas chambers in the rear are used.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Nazi Leaders approve "THE FINAL SOLUTION" or plan to EXTERMINATE ALL JEWS
  • Period: to

    Einsatzgruppen or "Mobile Killing Units" ended

  • Camp Rebellions

    Prisoners fought back at death camps
  • Treblinka

    After stealing weapons from guards, prisoners tried to escape. Most were killed but a few dozen made it out and survived the war.
  • Sobibor

    After stealing weapons from guards, prisoners tried to escape. Most were killed but a few dozen made it out and survived the war.
  • Non-Violent resistance

    Instead of fighting, many used non-violent forms of resistance including Prayer groups, Non-compliance,Music,Art work, Schooling.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Residents Smuggled weapons in,Uprising lasted for around a month, SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended.
  • Auschwitz/Birkenau

    Members of the Sonderkommando working in the Crematorium fought SS guards killing over 70, but all 250 as well 200 others were killed in response.
  • Period: to

    Death Marches

    Allies advancing toward death camps/Nazis evacuate prisoners,march them into Germany to Avoid capture/Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way
  • Hitler commits suicide and Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders in late April and Hitler commits suicide at the end of May to escape from Soviet Red Army punishments.
  • Period: to

    Nuremberg Trials

    The Allies and the International Community put a number of Germans on trial for War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace and Crimes Against Humanity.