2000px flag of maryland.svg


  • The government of maryland colony

    The government of maryland colony
    The government where the people that ruled the place and told everyone what to do and where the founders of maryland colony. Like George Calvert he was the man that found it all.
  • MaryLand Rival

    MaryLand Rival
    The rival of maryland was new netherland that was to the north of them colonial maryland larger than the present day of maryland
  • How they make money?

    How they make money?
    Maryland colony made money by agriculture and the most important cash was to crop tobacco
  • Jobs maryland

    Jobs maryland
    Some Jobs they men did was most of them would be farmers and mostly plant tobacco but most of them planted corn and. indigo plants, and rice. Some men were hunters, traders, slave traders
  • How everyone got together and found maryland colony

    How everyone got together and found maryland colony
    Most people that lived at maryland Colony were native americans and about 10,000 years ago from other parts of north america maryland colony had more that 8,000 native americans and 80 different tribes
  • Traditions for maryland

    Traditions for maryland
    In maryland some traditions that they would do is stuffed ham at christmas time and annual vacations to ocean lake sauerkraut with thanksgiving dinner. Christmas they celebrated in the 1800's
  • War of MaryLand

    War of MaryLand
    This war went on for 4 years 1861 to 1865 because of theses of theses slaves this mad war happen between Maryland and germany
  • MaryLand Houses

    MaryLand Houses
    They houses on depending how much resources they had the houses were built by the first english settlers in america they were all small single homes they were called wattle and daub
  • MaryLand Food

    MaryLand Food
    One of the most important foods the colonist is corn bread. They placed it next to the wheat place. Corn would usually go on there meals it was made in the 19 century
  • Maryland sports

    Maryland sports
    Theses sports that played in maryland are very old but they didn't really have a sport it's more of a violent game it could hurt you that game is called jousting Maryland was the first state that adopted an official sport on June 1st 1962