Mary Wollstonecraft and the Fight for Women's Rights

  • Wollstonecraft is born.

    Wollstonecraft was born near London, England to an abusive father and an abused mother.
  • Open Girl's School

    Wollstoncraft, Fanny Blood, Eliza, and Everina open an all girls school in Islington, England.
    *Note: There is no exact date.
  • Fanny Blood's Death

    Wollstonecraft's best friend dies of consumption. She was the only person who felt like family to Wollstonecraft.
  • "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" is published

    Wollstonecraft publishes her first major book, it becomes her most widely-known book she ever wrote. It was published by Jospeh Johnson.
  • Wollsstonecraft's first daughter is born

    Wollstonecraft gives birth ot her first daughter, Fanny Imlay, with first husband, Robert Imlay.
  • Wollstonecraft arrives to no husband

    Wollstonecraft gets back from her trip to Sweden to find her husband Gilbert Imlay, has gone off and never returned. Wollstonecraft has appemted suicide twice at this point.
  • Wollstonecraft marries Godwin

    Wollstonecraft marries second husband, William Godwin, in a private ceremony.
  • Mary Shelley Wollstonecraft is born

    Mary Shelley Wollstonecraft is born. Wollstonecraft dies 10 day later from "childbed fever". Now it is known that her placenta failed to exit her body and that is what caused her to die.
  • Womens Rights Movement Starts in United States

    Years after Wollstonecraft has died, women started realizing what she knew all along, women deserved rights. First womens rights convention was held in New York on this day.
  • Sojurner Truth delivers speech

    Truth delivers "Ain't I A Woman" Speechin Akrkon, Ohio.
  • Susan B Anthony organizes association for womens rights

    Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony organize National Womens Sufferage Association to fight for wmens rights.
  • Women get Right to Vote

    Ratified on August 18, the 19th ammendment gave women the right to vote in the United States.