Marvel (The Avengers)

  • Captain America

    Captain America
    The first superhero (Captain America) is created
  • Captain Marvel

    Captain Marvel
    Captain Marvel starts making peace between aliens
  • Iron Man

    Iron Man
    Tony Stark becomes Iron Man
  • Hulk

    Dr. Banner start getting transformed into Hulk
  • Thor

    Thor, god of thunder comes to Earth in his exile. His brother Loki tries to kill him
  • The Avengers

    The Avengers
    Loki, god of mischief, tries to control the Earth with the power of the Tesseract. A team of superheroes (The Avengers), stop him

    HYDRA reborn. Captain America discovers Bucky Barnes, his best friend from the ‘40 is alive
  • The Age Of Ultron

    The Age Of Ultron
    The War against Ultron. Quicksilver die, and Scarlet Witch becomes an avenger
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War. Team Captain America don’t approve Sokovia’s Agreements and Team Iron Man yes
  • Black Panther

    Black Panther
    After the death of the king of Wakanda, starts a war for the throne
  • Spiderman

    Spiderman starts as a Superhero
  • Dr. Strange

    Dr. Strange
    Dr. Strange learns about the mystical arts
  • Ragnarök

    Asgard, kingdom of the gods is destroyed by Surthur, to destroy Hela, Goddess of death
  • Infinity War

    Infinity War
    The Infinity War, against Thanos. 50% of the people in the world die
  • Endgame

    The Endgame war. Black Widow and Iron Man die.