Marvel History

By Dean312
  • Period: to


  • Timely Comics first comic was made

    Timely Comics first comic was made
  • First Marvel comic

    Featured many superhero characters... Human Torch, Captain America....
  • Stan Lee joins

    Stan Lee joins
    Stan Lee joins Timely Comics
  • Altlas Comics

    Altlas Comics
    Timely Changes name
  • The Fantastic Four #1

    By Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
  • Atlas Comics changes name

    Atlas Comics changes name
    Marvel Comics is now the name of Atlas Comics with the release of the Fantastic 4.
  • First Avengers Comic

  • First X-men comic

    By Stan Lee and Jack Kerby
  • First mention of Ms. Marvel

    First mention of Ms. Marvel
    Carol Danvers used the name.
  • Secret Wars 2

    The Beyonder visits Earth in search of enlightenment. Fights Avengers.
  • Thanos War

    Captain Marvel attempts to thwart Thanos with the power of the Cosmic Cube.
  • Moonstone appears

    Moonstone appears
    Villian of Ms. Marvel
  • Ms. Marvel #1

    First comic with Ms. Marvel name
  • Joins Avengers

  • Changes to Sharon Ventura

    Ms. Marvel name is put with Sharon Ventura
  • Joins Fantastic four

    Body mutilates and becomes She-thing
  • Infinity War

    Adam Warlock gets Gauntlet.
  • Marvel Vs. DC comic

    special crossover
  • Sofen(Moonstone)

    title of Ms. Marvel
  • Danvers is new Ms.Marvel

    Danvers is new Ms.Marvel
    Carol Danvers has the title Ms. Marvel
  • Kamala Khan

    Kamala Khan
    Appears in Captain Marvel #14. 16-year-old from Jersey City. Idolizes Captain Marvel.
  • Ms. Marvel #1

    Kamala Khan becomes first Marvel Muslim character
  • Ms. Marvel #2

    second in the series. Joins the avengers.
  • Ms. Marvel #3

    About Valentines Day
  • Ms. Marvel #4

    "Last Days" featured the original Ms. Marvel characters fighting Kamala Khan.
  • Ms. Marvel #5

  • Ms. Marvel TV adaptation

    Ms. Marvel TV adaptation
    Played on Disney+