Bernie election

Bernie Sanders For President

  • About Bernie Sanders

    About Bernie Sanders
    Bernie Sanders is running for the Democratic Party for President. He is a he junior United States Senator and former Congressman from Vermont. In a November 2013 interview, Sanders shared that he plans to work on global warming, economic inequality, frustration with the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Supreme Court decision, and the importance of Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Announcing his run for presidential candidacy

    Announcing his run for presidential candidacy
    Campaign Ad<a Sanders began with a formal announcement by Sander on May 26, 2015, in Burlington, Vermont, which followed by an informal announcement on April 30. Sanders gave a speech discussing his view on economic and environmental policies. WIthin his speech he stated: "This great nation and its government belong to all of the people and not to a handful of billionaires, their super PACs and their lobbyists." He also established that his campaign will focus on income and wealth inequalities.
  • Veterans Memorial Coliseum

    Veterans Memorial Coliseum
    On July 2, 2015, Sanders spoke to a crowd of nearly 10,000 in Madison, Wis. The crowd was larger than any other presidential candidate had attracted up to this point in the race. During his speech, he took shots at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and spoke mainly about economic issues.
  • Sanders made a record

    Sanders made a record
    Sander's Speech in Arizona
    Sanders broke his prior record for largest crowd drawing 11,000 people in Phoenix, Arizona. Donald Trump spoke at the same venue but had a crowd nearly half the size of Sanders.
  • Public International Convention

    Public International Convention
    Is held July 25-28
  • Sanders announced moving away from debates not held by the Democratic National Committee

    TIME reported on August 25, 2015, that Bernie Sanders had moved away from potentially participating in debates not sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). “In recent days...Sanders’ campaign has rebuffed at least one TV outlet’s efforts to draw Sanders into an additional debate outside the six sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee. Earlier this month, his campaign manager brushed off a call from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s staff seeking further debate,” TIME noted.
  • Donations made to his election

    Donations made to his election
    Unlike other candidates,he receives his funds from small, individual donations. Sanders managed to raise $26 million over three months
  • Sanders on Super PACs

    Sanders doesn't have any Super PAC. He in return receives most of his campaign funds from small, individual donations. The New York Times reported that Sanders had raised $26 million over the preceding three months. The Federal Election Commission iacknowledged that in July 2015, Sanders showed a total of $15.2 million in donations.
  • Primary Debate

    Primary Debate
    The first primary debate was held in Las Vegas, October 13, 2015. He was left in 2nd place behind Hillary Clinton. He was asked if his electability would we greatly affected by his identification as a democratic socialist and stated that America's wealth isnt being used in the right manner and that his position as a president he will make sure everyone gets healthcare as a right just as other countires have been doing.
  • Released his first campaign Ad

    Released his first campaign Ad
  • Helping Mimum Wage Protestors

    Helping Mimum Wage Protestors
    Sanders appeared with labor protesters on November 10, 2015, outside the U.S. Capitol to show his suppor for workers aiming fo $15 minimum wage. Sanders said to the protestors: “What you are doing and workers all over the United States are doing, you are having a profound impact. People are raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. And you know who started it? You did. You started the movement. Now we’ve got to finish the job. Fifteen bucks and a union."
  • Endorsement

    Sanders was endorsed by the American Postal Workers' Union. The decided to endorsed him because "he stands above all others as a true champion of postal workers and other workers throughout the country", The Union President said.
  • Democratic Debate

    In Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa
  • Defending Democratic Socialism

    At an event held at Georgetown University, Bernie Sanders defended Democratic Socialism and his apperance to the public by saying “Let me define for you, simply and straightforwardly, what democratic socialism means to me. It builds on what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said when he fought for guaranteed economic rights for all Americans. Democratic socialism means that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy.”
  • Democratic Primary Debate

    Manchester, New Hampshire
  • Democratic Primary Debate

    Charleston, South Carolina
    Sanders announced he had raised over 1.3 million over the duration of the event in the hours after.
  • Iowa Caucus

    The Iowa Caucus is a meeting of the members of a legislative body who are members of a particular political party, to select candidates or decide policy.
  • Primary in New Hampshire

  • PBS Democratic Primary Debate

    Held in Wisconsin, Candidates to be determined.
  • Super Tuesday

  • Univision Democratic Primary Debate

    Location: Miami Dade College in Miami, Florida
    Sponsors: Univision, The Washington Post
    Candidates: To be determined
  • Wisconsin Primary

    Wisconsin has an open primary where voters are not required to declare party affiliation.
  • New York Primary

    New York has a closed primary where only voters registered for the party which is holding the primary may vote.
  • Democratic Nomination

    Sanders made his announcement at a press conference.
  • Democratic National Convention

    Democratic National Convention
    The Democratic National COnvention is going to be held in Philidelphia. The National Convetion consists of a major political party, especially one that nominates a candidate for the presidency.
  • General Election

    The general election includes an election of candidates for office, as opposed to a primary election.