Nov 10, 1483
Born in Eisleben
Martin Luther was born on 10 Novemnber 1483 in Eisleben -
Apr 10, 1512
Dactor of Theology in Wittenberg
In 1508, Martin Luther lived as a monk in the so-called Black Monastery at the eastern periphery of the city. After having graduated as a doctor of theology at Wittenberg University in 1512, he became professor for Bible studies there. In 1514, he was also appointed as a preacher in Wittenberg's City Church -
Aug 12, 1521
Outlawed and exiled to the Wartburg
Luther devoted himself to a new task. He translates the New Testament from its original Greek into German within eleven weeks; the work was later edited by Malanchthon and other specialists and printed in 1522. This so-called "September Testament" was tremendously popular in written German lenguage. Later, parts of the Old Testament wee also translated. -
Jun 23, 1525
Married Katharina von Bora
On June 13, 1525 Luther married Katharina von Bora, a nun who had fled from a convent in Nimbsch, near Grimma, and had taken refuge in Wittenberg. Luther's marriage to Katharina (who was 16 years younger than Luther) was oppposed by many of his friends who saw in it the downfall of the Reformation. Philipp Melanchthon spoke of it as an "unlucky deed". He did not know anything about Luther's plan and was not invited to the wedding -
Feb 18, 1546
Died in Eisleben
During his last years of life Luther fought against many physical ailments. The death of his daughter Magdelena, in 1542, was also very difficult for him. Luther's relationship to people with different beliefs, especially the Jews, deteriorated drastically during these years. His 1523 work Jesus was born a Jew showed a concilliatory attitude; however, in later years the aging reformer sentenced all who did not want to convert to his beliefs. The strongly anti-semetic work Jews and their Lies(154