MLK Born
Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. -
MLK Receives College Degree
Martin Luther King Jr. received his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Morehouse College. -
MLK Starts College
Martin Luther King attends his first semester of college at Morehouse in Atlanta, Georgia. -
MLK was Married
Martin Luther King Jr. married Coretta Scott. They were married in Coretta's home close to Marion, Alabama. -
MLK's First Child is Born
Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta named their first child Yolanda Denise King. -
MIA is Formed.
The Montgomery Improvement Association was formed. MLK was the President. -
MLK's Home Bombed
Martin Luther King Jr.'s home was bombed. This started his plead for nonviolence. -
MLK's Second Child is Born
Coretta and Martin have their second child. They named him Martin Luther King III. -
MLK resigns from Dexter Ave. Baptist Church
MLK moved to Atlanta, Georgia to take on full responsibilities of the SCLC. -
MLK's Third Child is Born
Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta's third child was named Dexter Scott. -
Martin Luther King Jr's 4th child was born.
They named their last daughter Bernice Albertine King. -
MLK was jailed.
Martin Luther King Jr. was placed in jail in Birmingham, AL. -
MLK leads the Freedom Walk
He led 125,000 on the Freedom Walk in Detroit. -
"I Have A Dream Speech"
MLK gave his speech in Washington, DC during the March on Washington. There were approximately 250,000 people in attendance. -
MLK appears on cover of TIME magazine
He was titled "Man of the Year" by TIME magazine. -
MLK receives Nobel Peace Prize
The youngest winner of the prize of his time. He gave the $54,000 that he won to the Civil Rights Movement. -
MLK Arrested
He was arrested in Selma, Alabama during a voting rights demonstration. -
MLK was Assasinated
MLK was assasinated in Memphis, Tennessee by James Earl Ray. -
MLK's Funeral
The funeral was held at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. -
MLK Day Declared Federal Holiday