Martin Luther King Jr. Life

  • Born in Atlanta

  • Period: to

    Martin Luther King Jr. lifespan

  • Graduates High School

  • Graduates Morehouse College with a BA in sociology

  • Marries New England Conservatory music student Coretta Scott

  • Becomes Minister of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

  • Receives Ph.D in systematic theology from Boston University.

  • The 26-year-old King leads boycott of segregated Montgomery buses, gains national reputation.

  • King's house is bombed

  • King helps found Southern Christian Leadership Conference

  • Writes Stride Toward Freedom, about the bus boycott.

  • Visits India to study nonviolence and civil disobedience

  • King is arrested and jailed during anti-segregation protests in Birmingham

  • King receives Nobel Peace Prize

  • King and SCLC join voting-rights march from Selma to Montgomery

  • King plans Poor People's Campaign; advocates redistribution of wealth to eradicate black poverty.

  • King is assassinated in Memphis